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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 63, Number 1 (1951)

Wilson Bulletin
1 (March)


The President's Page. 4.
Maurice Brooks
The Genetics of the Golden-Winged X Blue-Winged Warbler Complex. 5-15.
Kenneth C. Parkes
Food of Young Raptors on the Edwin S. George Reserve. 16-25.
F. N. Hamerstrom, Jr., Frances Hamerstrom
The Cowbird and Certain Host Species in Michigan. 26-34.
Andrew J. Berger
Notes on the Birds of the Midway and Wake Islands. 35-37.
Alfred M. Bailey
A New Swamp Sparrow From the Maryland Coastal Plain. 38-40.
Gorman M. Bond, Robert E. Stewart
Editorial. 49-52.
Letter to the Editor. 52-54.
Ornithological Literature. 55-58.
Hormones and Cycles: a Review. 59-60.
Dean Amadon
The Dingell-Johnson Act: Will It Benefit Bird-Life?. 60-62.
H. S. Mosby, W. W. H. Gunn
Graduate Research in Ornithology. 62-64.
Aaron M. Bagg, Gustav A. Swanson

General Notes

Pacific Loon in Indiana. 41.
James B. Cope
White Pelican on Ohio Shore of Lake Erie. 41.
Charles A. Tripleiiorn, R. S. Phillips
Marsh Hawk Feeding on Black-Billed Magpie. 41-42.
Merlin L. Killpack
Ruffed Grouse Uest Predation by Blacksnakes. 42-43.
Frederick C. Hardy
Abnormal Throat-Color in Male Bob-White Quail. 43.
Glenn Jones
Egg-Laying, Incubation, and Fledging Periods of the Spotted Sandpiper. 43-44.
F. W. Preston
Short-Billed Marsh Wren Breeding in Kansas. 44-45.
Harrison B. Tordoff, George P. Young
Turdus Migratorius Achrusterus and Passerculus Sandwichensis Mediogriseus in the Northern Panhandle of West Virginia. 45.
Lt. Karl W. Haller
Notes on Icterus Nigrogularis and I. Chrysocephalus in Surinam. 45-47.
Fr. Haverschmidt
Brewer's Blackbird in Indiana. 47.
Russell E. Mumford
Generic Placement of the Rufous-Winged Sparrow. 47-48.
Frank A. Pitelka

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