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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 51, Number 3 (1939)

Wilson Bulletin
3 (September)


Distribution of the American Tree Sparrow. 137-149.
A. Marguerite Baumgartner
Food and Habits of Some Birds Nesting on Islands in Great Salt Lake. 150-155.
Clarence Cottam, C. S. Williams
A Race of Yellow-Breasted Chat From the Tropical Zone of Southern Sonora. 156.
A. J. Van Rossem
A Detailed Study of a Family of Robins. 157-169.
William Edward Schantz
The Herring Gulls of Hat Island, Wisconsin. 170-175.
Murl Deusing
Food of the Starling in Central New York State. 176-182.
Alton A. Lindsey
Editorial. 187.
Ornithological News. 187-188.
Wildlife Conservation. 188-189.
Ornithological Literature. 190-197.

General Notes

Glossy Ibis in Minnesota. 183.
Olin Sewall Pettingill, Jr., Dwain Willard Warner
Eastern Glossy Ibis in Michigan. 183.
Miller Empey
Nesting Record for Cathartes Aura Septentrionalis in Southwestern Michigan. 183.
Frederick W. Stuewer
Breeding of the Lesser Scaup Duck in Southern Ontario. 184.
James L. Baillie, Jr.
Mountain Plover in Saskatchewan. 184.
J. Dewey Soper
Killdeer Nesting at Fort Myers, Florida. 185.
Bernard H. Stevenson
The Starling in Mexico. 185.
Pierce Brodkorb, Arthur E. Staebler
Short-Billed Marsh Wren Near Baltimore, Maryland. 185.
Haven Kolb
Western Sandpiper in Kentucky. 185.
Burt L. Monroe, Robert M. Mengel
Swainson's Warbler in Illinois. 185-186.
George Andrew Ammann
Nelson's Sparrow in Monroe County, Michigan. 186.
Louis W. Campbell
A Northern Occurrence of the Grasshopper Sparrow. 186.
James L. Baillie, Jr.
Second Occurrence of Brewer's Blackbird in Ohio. 186.
Louis W. Campbell

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