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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 48, Number 4 (1936)

Wilson Bulletin
4 (December)


Fall and Winter Behavior of Mockingbirds. 241-255.
Amelia R. Laskey
Feather Arrangement, Development, and Molt of the Long-Billed Marsh Wren. 256-269.
Wilfred A. Welter
The Occurrence of White Herons in the Youngstown, Ohio, Region. 269-272.
M. B. Skaggs
A Statistical Survey of the Winter Bird Life of Southeastern Ohio-Muskingum County. 273-275.
Lawrence E. Hicks, Charles A. Dambach
Wildlife Casualties on the Highways. 276-283.
Dayton Stoner
John Marion Priour. 284-289.
Frederic H. Kennard
Endemism and the American Northwest. 289-302.
T. T. Mccabe
Further Notes on the Constancy of Catbirds to Mates and to Territory. 303-305.
Geoffrey Gill
Bird Notes From the Lake Francis Region of Southern Minnesota. 305-309.
Ira N. Gabrielson
Editorial. 316.
Ornithological Literature. 317-326.
Index for Volume Xlviii, 1936. 327-336.

General Notes

An Unusual Nest of the Vesper Sparrow. 310.
O. A. Stevens
Starlings Bathing in Ice Water. 310.
E. L. Moseley
The Pine Siskin Nesting in Southeastern South Dakota. 310.
Wm. Youngworth
Herring Gulls on the Monongahela River During Flood. 310.
P. P. Malley
An Early Ohio Record of the Bachman's Sparrow. 310.
Katie M. Roads
The Arctic Horned Owl in South Dakota. 311.
W. H. Over
The Old-Squaw in West Virginia. 311.
Maurice Brooks, A. S. Margolin, Lloyd Poland
The Orange-Crowned Warbler at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 311.
P. P. Malley
The Cinnamon Teal in Northeastern South Dakota. 311.
Wm. Youngworth
The Subspecies of Red-Winged Blackbirds Wintering Near Toledo, Ohio. 311-312.
Louis W. Campbell
Pugnacious Cardinals. 312.
E. L. Moseley
Observations of the Sandhill Crane on the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. 312-313.
J. A. Munro
The Cautious Female Cardinal. 313.
Cora Shoop
Nesting of the Mexican Black Hawk in Arizona. 313-314.
Gale Monson
American Pintail Exhibits Feigning Behavior. 314.
Bruce F. Stiles
Supplementary Bird Records From Missouri, for 1934. 314-315.
James W. Cunningham

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