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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 48, Number 1 (1936)

Wilson Bulletin
1 (March)


Blue Heron Colonies in Northern Ohio. 3-11.
E. L. Moseley
Food of the Limpkin. 11-13.
Clarence Cottam
Egg Laying by the Cowbird During Migration. 13-16.
Thomas D. Burleigh
Episodes in the Life of Audubon in Indiana. 17-22.
S. E. Perkins Iii
Percival Brooks Coffin. 22-25.
R. M. Strong, W. C. Allee
Observations on the Florida Blue Jay. 26-33.
Donald J. Nicholson
Nesting of the Prairie Falcon in Montana. 33-37.
V. L. Marsh
The Concentration of Catbirds at the Close of the Nesting Season. 38-40.
Geoffrey Gill
The Bird Collection of the Carnegie Museum. 41-47.
Ruth Trimble
Proceedings of the Wilson Ornithological Club. 56-70.
Lawrence E. Hicks
Editorial. 71-72.

General Notes

Another Three-Egg Set of the Mourning Dove. 48.
John B. Lewis
A Winter Record of Henslow's Sparrow in Indiana. 48.
Raymond J. Fleetwood
The Great-Tailed Grackle in Arizona. 48.
Gale Monson
American Egrets at Ray Lake, Des Moines County, Iowa. 48.
Harold M. Holland
A Red-Tailed Hawk Caught by Hand. 49.
John J. Stophlet
Additions to Bird Life of a Transient Lake in Kentucky. 49-50.
Gordon Wilson
The Scarcity of Hawks and Owls in Indiana. 50-51.
Mrs. Horace P. Cook
An Indiana Hawk Migration. 51-52.
Lawrence E. Hicks
Observations of Bird Life in Green Bay. 52.
Lawrence E. Hunter
Peculiar Actions of a Great Blue Heron. 52-53.
F. W. Rapp
The Cruising Speed of the Golden Plover. 53.
Wm. Youngworth
Some Bird Notes From Central Illinois. 53.
William C. Starrett
Bird Notes From Anderson, Indiana. 53-55.
Mrs. Horace P. Cook

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