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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 47, Number 4 (1935)

Wilson Bulletin
4 (December)


Rim Rock and Solitaire. 257-265.
P. B. Peabody
Beach-Combers. 265-269.
Bayard H. Christy
Storks in Trees. 270-271.
Margaret Morse Nice
Wintering Warblers in Cameron County, Texas, During the Season of 1934-1935. 272-274.
L. Irby Davis
An Example of Partial Albinism in the Eastern Crow. 274-276.
Dayton Stoner
The Sex Ratio in Ducks. 277-278.
O. C. Furniss
A Study of the Winter Bird Life in Bear Lake and Utah Lake Valleys. 278-284.
C. Lynn Hayward
The Cardinal Now Twelve Years Old. 285-286.
Albert F. Ganier
Arizona Fields Are Virgin for Bird Banders. 286-293.
Fred M. Dille
Ornithological Literature. 300-307.
Editorial. 308.
Index for Volume 47. 309-318.

General Notes

Another Snow Bunting Record for Utah. 294.
D. Elmer Johnson
A Savannah Sparrow As a Cowbird Victim. 294.
John M. Vasicek
A Recent Record of the Hudsonian Curlew in the Chicago, Illinois, Region. 294.
B. J. Bujak
The Starling at Kingfisher, Oklahoma. 294.
George A. Moore
Migration of Waterfowl in Tidewater Virginia. 294-295.
Lucy Pendleton Kearns
The Lazuli Bunting in Northeastern South Dakota. 295.
Wm. Youngworth
Nests of Crows and Other Birds in the Same Evergreen Grove. 295-296.
George O. Hendrickson, Robert Treneman
Observations on Nest Site Trials by the Eastern Robin. 296-297.
L. J. Meuli
The Song of the Yellow-Breasted Chat. 297-298.
Mrs. Horace P. Cook
An Unusual Banding Experience. 298.
Grant Henderson
Behavior of a Pet Robin. 298-299.
Mrs. Angela Harte Favell
A Clever Bird or Two. 299.
Mrs. Horace P. Cook

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