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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 47, Number 3 (1935)

Wilson Bulletin
3 (September)


Seasonal Sex Characters in Birds and their Hormonal Control. 177-188.
Emil Witschi
Nesting of the Raven in Virginia. 188-191.
F. M. Jones
Observations on the Violet-Green Swallow. 192-194.
A. E. Shirling
A Bird Census Method. 195-197.
W. J. Breckenridge
Value of Field Observation in Economic Ornithology. 198-204.
W. L. Mcatee
Additional Iowa Species of Birds Substantiated by Specimens. 205-208.
Philip A. Dumont
The Birds of Fort Sisseton, South Dakota, a Sixty Year Comparison. 209-235.
Wm. Youngworth
The Black Tern Recorded in the West Virginia Panhandle. 236.
Thos. E. Shields
Editorial. 242.
Membership Roll. 243-256.

General Notes

A Three-Egg Set of the Mourning Dove. 236.
Archibald Johnson
Effect of Drouth on Birds. 236.
Archibald Johnson
Specimen of European Widgeon Taken in Northwestern Iowa. 236.
Philip A. Dumont
The Brewer's Blackbird at Athens, Clarke County, Georgia. 236-237.
Thos. D. Burleigh
A Record of the Trumpeter Swan From the Late Pleistocene of Illinois. 237.
Alexander Wetmore
Notes on the Nesting of Captive Mute Swans. 237-238.
William Johnston Howard
The 1934 Fall Migration at Cleveland's Public Square. 238.
William H. Watterson
Some Corrections. 238-239.
Wm. G. Fargo
The Savannah Sparrow in Maryland. 239.
C. W. G. Eifrig
Chuck-Wills-Widow Collected in Southeastern Iowa. 239.
Philip A. Dumont
An Old Record of the Brown-Headed Nuthatch in Iowa and Illinois. 240.
Philip A. Dumont
The Effect of Certain Relief Projects on Bird Life. 240-241.
Araminta A. Brandenburg, Louis W. Campbell

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