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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 47, Number 1 (1935)

Wilson Bulletin
1 (March)


The Natural History of the Long-Billed Marsh Wren. 3-34.
Wilfred A. Welter
A Study of the Savannah Sparrow in West Virginia. 35-42.
Thos. E. Shields
Notes on the Renal Blood-Vessels of Raptorial Birds. 43-44.
F. L. Fitzpatrick
Robert Henry Wolcott. 45-49.
Myron H. Swenk
Birds at a Rain-Pool in Massachusetts in October, 1993. 49-56.
Samuel A. Eliot, Jr.
Bird Notes From the Bighorn Mountain Region of Wyoming. 57-59.
John W. Aldrich
Water Birds of a Virginia Mountain County. 59-67.
J. J. Murray
Changes in the List of Birds of Yellowstone National Park. 68-70.
Emerson Kemsies
Editorial. 71.
Proceedings of the Wilson Ornithological Club. 81-95.
Lawrence E. Hicks
Communications. 96.

General Notes

Caspian Terns in North-Central Iowa. 72.
Philip A. Dumont
Some Shore Birds Collected in South Dakota. 72.
Gerald B. Spawn
Northern Phalaropes in Northwestern Iowa. 72.
Philip A. Dumont
Mccown's Longspur in Southwestern North Dakota. 72.
Wm. Youngworth
An October Record of the American Egret in Lee County, Iowa. 72.
Lloyd Smith
Specimen of Greater Scaup Duck Found in Northern Iowa. 72-73.
Philip A. Dumont
Second Record of the Starling in Douglas County, Kansas. 73.
W. S. Long
Eastern Tree Sparrows Wintering in Christian County, Kentucky. 73.
Compton Crook
Notes on the American Egret and Little Blue Heron in Iowa. 73-74.
Wm. Youngworth
Some Bird Notes From Belmont County, Ohio. 74.
Thos. E. Shields
Some Bird Tragedies. 74-75.
Lawrence E. Hunter
Migration of Hawks in Wisconsin. 75-76.
Clarence S. Jung
The Louisiana Paroquet in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. 76-77.
Lawrence E. Hicks
Notes on a Hand-Reared Flicker. 77-79.
Dr. G. A. Hinnen
The Incubation Period of the Sora Rail. 79-80.
Lawrence H. Walkinshaw
The Golden-Winged Warbler in South Dakota. 80.
Paul R. Thompson

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