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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 45, Number 2 (1933)

Wilson Bulletin
2 (June)


Relations Between the Sexes in Song Sparrows. 51-59.
Margaret Morse Nice
In the Haunts of Cairn's Warbler-A Retrospect and a Comparison. 60-66.
G. Eifrig
Franklin Hiram King. 66-69.
Mrs H. J. Taylor
Summer Warblers of the Crawford County, Michigan, Uplands. 70-76.
Leonard W. Wing
Editorial. 77-78.
Ornithological Literature. 91-98.

General Notes

First Record of the White Gyrfalcon for Michigan. 79.
Ralph Beebe
The Pomarine Jaeger in South Dakota. 79.
W. J. Breckenridge
A Flight of Broad-Winged Hawks. 79.
Charles J. Spiker
A Partial Albino Red-Tailed Hawk. 79.
Merrill Wood
The 1932 Fall Migration at Cleveland's Public Square. 80.
William H. Watterson
A Heavy Case of Internal Parasitism of the Belted Kingfisher. 80-82.
Gustav Swanson
The Snowy Owl in Iowa. 82-83.
Philip A. Dumont
The Blue Goose in Kentucky. 83.
Gordon Wilson
Early Snowy Owl Records From Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, and Minnesota. 83-85.
T. C. Stephens
The 1932 Fall Flight of Ducks Through Northwestern Iowa. 85-86.
Logan J. Bennett
An August Day's Toll of Birds' Lives on Primary Iowa Roads. 86.
George O. Hendrickson
Notes on Waterfowl in Central West Virginia. 87.
Maurice Brooks
Winter Range of Tufted Titmice. 87.
Margaret M. Nice
A Day with the Bald Eagles. 87-89.
F. M. Jones
The Iowa Specimen of Pacific Loon Re-Examined. 89-90.
Philip A. Dumont
Cardinals Re-Claim a Deserted Nest. 90.
Grant Henderson
Large Flocks of the Golden Plover and White Pelican Near Sioux City, Iowa. 91.
William Youngworth

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