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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 40, Number 3 (1928)

Wilson Bulletin
3 (September)


The Canada Goose in Yellowstone National Park. 139-149.
M. P. Skinner
Bob-White and Scarcity of Potato Beetles. 149-151.
E. L. Moseley
Chimney Swifts in November, 1925. 151-154.
Otto Widmann
How Does the Turkey Vulture Find Its Food?. 154-156.
John B. Lewis
Some Environmental Relations of the Birds in the Missouri River Region. 157-177.
Jean M. Linsdale
Birds Observed in the Vicinity of Santiago De Cuba. 178-182.
Stuart T. Danforth
Birds of Upper South Carolina: a Study in Geographical Distribution. 182-191.
A. L. Pickens
Editorial. 192-195.
Bird Banding News Traps for Bird Banding. 203-207.
W. I. Lyon
Communications. 207-208.
Bayrd H. Christy

General Notes

The Golden Eagle in Indiana. 196.
S. E. Perkins
How Did This Happen?. 196.
Edward A. Everett
A Note on the Food of Young Great Horned Owls. 196-197.
George Miksch Sutton
A Possible Relationship Between Bell's Vireo and the Cowbird. 197.
George A. Moore
The Cliff Swallow in Clayton County, Iowa. 197.
Oscar P. Allert
Regarding a Late Florida Record of the Flamingo. 197-198.
Harold H. Bailey
The European Starling Nesting at Nashville, Tennessee. 198.
Albert F. Ganier
Banding Robins in Florida. 198.
Wm. G. Fargo
An Unusual Flight of Geese. 199.
Walter W. Rosen, Walter W. Bennett
Increase of Blue Geese in the Missouri Valley. 199-200.
T. C. Stephens
Actions of a Young Wilson's Plover. 200-201.
Donald J. Nicholson
Some New Bird Records for North Dakota. 201-202.
Russell Reid
Ring-Necked Pheasant Vs. Bull Snake. 202.
Claude Mccurdy
A Brown Thrasher Feeds a Snake to Its Young. 202.
Beryl T. Mounts
English Sparrows Nesting in the Homes of Cliff Swallows. 202.
Alfred M. Bailey

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