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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 27, Number 3 (1915)

Wilson Bulletin
3 (September)


Field Observations on the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak. 357-368.
Ira N. Gabrielson
Birds by the Wayside, in Egypt and Nubia. 369-393.
Althea R. Sherman
Owls, As Regarded by the Scientist, the The Agriculturist, and the Sportsman. 393-403.
R. W. Shufeldt
Plainfield, New Jersey, Bird Census. 403-407.
W. Dew. Miller, Charles H. Rogers
Mississippi Kite in Nebraska. 407-408.
Professor B. H. Bailey
Editorial. 409-410.

General Notes

Birds and the World War. 410.
J. H. Gurney
Taverner on Cormorants Vs. Salmon. 410-411.
Incubation Period of the Gannet. 411.
J. H. Gurney
A New Louisiana Bird. 411-412.
New Duck Species Breeding in Louisiana. 412-413.
Nesting of a Chimney Swift in a Hollow Tree. 413-414.
Manley B. Townsend
Bachman's Sparrow at Chicago. 414-415.
G. Eifrig
Song Sparrow, Thrush, and Owl Notes. 415-417.
R. W. Shufeldt
Field Notes From the Chicago Area. 417-419.
G. Eifrig

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