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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 15, Number 4 (1903)

Wilson Bulletin
4 (December)


A Bob-White Covey. 105-106.
Lynds Jones
A List of Birds Seen in Franconia, N. H., and Vicinity During August and September, 1903. 107-110.
Harold E. Porter
Bachman Sparrow.-Peuc[ae]A [ae]Stivalis Bachmanii. 111-112.
S. L. Dawson
A December Hermit Thrush. 112-113.
Lynds Jones
Black Skimmer at Woods Hole, Mass. 113.
Lynds Jones
A New Year Horizon. 113-114.
Editorial. 115-117.
Election of Officers for 1904. 117.
Election of New Members. 117.
Publications Received. 119-123.
Important Notice. 123.
Errata. 124.
Index. 125-130.
Index of Authors. 131-132.
Dawson's Birds of Ohio. 133.

General Notes

A Day with the Birds. 118.
Arthur Edgington, Clarence A. Morrow
Some Unusual Oberlin Records. 118-119.
Lynds Jones

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