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Western Birds, Volume 24, Number 2 (1993)

Western Birds


Distribution, Migration, Ecology, and Relationships of the Five-striped Sparrow, Aimophila Quinquestriata. 65-72.
Allan R. Phillips, Roberto Phillips Farfan
North American Migrant Birds on Clipperton Atoll. 73-80.
Steve N. G. Howell, Peter Pyle, Larry B. Spear, Robert L. Pitman
Nesting Biology of the California Black Rail in Southwestern Arizona. 81-88.
Ronald E. Flores, William R. Eddleman
Noteworthy Observations from Northeastern Baja California. 89-94.
Michael A. Patten, Kurt Radamaker, Thomas E. Wurster


A Little Bunting Reaches California. 95-97.
Guy Mccaskie
Northeastern Extension of the Breeding Range of the Arctic Loon in Northwestern Alaska. 98-100.
Hector Douglas, Kristine Sowl
Vulnerability of Prey Stimulates Attacks by Jays and Shrikes on Adult Birds. 101-102.
Carla Cicero
Mountain Chickadees Nest in Desert Riparian Forest. 103-104.
Stephen J. Myers
Eurasian X American Wigeons in Western Oregon. 105-107.
Kathy Merrifield
A Markham's Storm-Petrel in the Northeastern Pacific. 108-110.
Peter Pyle
Observations of Dark-rumped Petrels off Oregon and California. 110-112.
Peter Pyle, Larry B. Spear, David G. Ainley

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