Western Birds, Volume 18, Number 1 (1987)
Western Birds
- Management and Preservation of Endangered Birds in Riparian Ecosystems:. 1-2.
- Stephen A. Laymon
- Perspectives on Managing Riparian Ecosystems for Endangered Bird Species. 3-9.
- Kathleen E. Franzreb
- Status of Breeding Riparian-Obligate Birds in Southwestern Riverine Systems. 10-18.
- William C. Hunter, Robert D. Ohmart, Bertin W. Anderson
- Can the Western Subspecies of the Yellow-Billed Cuckoo be Saved From Extinction?. 19-26.
- Stephen A. Laymon, Mary D. Halterman
- Willow Flycatcher Surveys in the Sierra Nevada. 27-36.
- John H. Harris, Susan D. Sanders, Mary Anne Flett
- Ecology of a Sierra Nevada Population of Willow Flycatchers. 37-42.
- Mary Anne Flett, Susan D. Sanders
- Endangered Status and Strategies for Conservation of the Least Bell's Vireo (Vireo Bellii Pusillus) in California. 43-49.
- Kathleen E. Franzreb
- Nest-Site Tenacity of Least Bell's Vireos. 50-54.
- James M. Greaves
- Least Bell's Vireo Management by Cowbird Trapping. 55-62.
- John A. Beezley, John P. Rieger
- Brown-Headed Cowbirds in California:. 63-70.
- Stephen A. Laymon
- Bank Swallow Distribution and Nesting Ecology on the Sacramento River, California. 71-76.
- Barrett A. Garrison, Joan M. Humphrey, Stephen A. Laymon
- Birds of Remnant Riparian Forests in Northeastern Wisconsin. 77-84.
- Norman E. Fowler, Robert W. Howe
- The California Natural Diversity Data Base and Riparian Ecosystem Conservation. 85-88.
- Carrie Anne Shaw
- Endangered Habitats Versus Endangered Species:. 89-96.
- R. Roy Johnson, Lois T. Haight, James M. Simpson
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