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Ornitología Neotropical, Volume 16, Number 1 (2005)

Ornitología Neotropical


Avifauna Asociada Al Sotobosque De Una Plantacian De Cacao Del Norte De Venezuela. 1-14.
Carlos Verea and Alecio Solorzano
Ecology, Behavior and Social Organization of Saffron-Cowled Blackbirds (Xanthopsar Flavus). 15-30.
Rosendo M. Fraga
Dieta Del Chimango (Milvago Chimango) Durante El Periodo Reproductivo En El Sudeste De La Provincia De Buenos Aires, Argentina. 31-42.
Laura M. Biondi, Maria Susana Bo and Marco Favero
Abundance and Distribution of Parrots Along the Elevational Gradient of Calilegua National Parc, Argentina. 43-52.
Natalia Politi and Luis O. Rivera
Artificial Nest Experiments in a Fragmented Neotropical Cloud Forest. 53-64.
Genovera Trujillo and Jorge A. Ahumada
A Quantitative Assessment of Bird Diets in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, With Recommendations For Future Diet Studies. 65-84.
Renata Duraes and Miguel Angelo Marini
A Preliminary Assessment of Avifauna of the Bolivian Chiquitano and Cerrado. 85-100.
Daniel M. Brooks, Ana Luz Porzecanski, Jacqueline J. Weicker, Robert A. Honig, Ana Maria Saavedra and Mauricio Herrera
News 143-144.

Short Communications

Descripcian Del Nido Y Huevos Del Gorrian Embridado (Aimophila Mystacalis). 101-104.
Rodolfo Palacios-Silva, Ana Lucia Castillo Meza and Juan Garcia-Chavez
Notes on the Natural History of the Andean Cock-Of-The-Rock (Rupicola Peruviana) in Western Venezuela. 105-108.
Adriana Rodriguez-Ferraro and Adrian B. Azpiroz
Cold Fronts and Raptor Migration in Bolivia. 109-116.
Cristian Olivo
Primer Registro De Nidificacian En Ambiente Fluvial Del Gaviotan Chico Coma 117-122.
Fernando Gabriel Maugeri
Nocturnal Activity in Breeding Olrogas Gulls (Larus Atlanticus). 123-126.
Pablo Yorio, Nicolas Suarez, Flavio Quintana and Alejandro Gatto
Banded-Tailed Pigeon (Columba Fasciata) At Low Elevations in Braulio Carrillo National Park, Costa Rica. 127-128.
Gerardo Avalos
Datos Preliminares Sobre La Diversidad Y Estructura De La Comunidad De Aves Del Bosque Integral Otongachi, Pichincha, Ecuador. 129-136.
Esteban Guevara and Juan Guevara
The Nest and Eggs of the Slate-Crowned Antpitta (Grallaricula Nana), With Observations on Incubation Behavior in Southern Ecuador. 137-140.
Harold F. Greeney and Francisco Sornoza
The Common Kingfisher (Alcedo Atthis): an Exceptional First Record For the West Indies and the Western Hemisphere. 141-142.
Yaroddy Rodriguez, Orlando H. Garrido, James W. Wiley and Arturo Kirkconnell

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