Ornitología Neotropical, Volume 9, Number 2 (1998)
Ornitología Neotropical
- The Concept of Floater. 111-120.
- Kevin Winker
- Habitats, Density, Population Size, and the Future of the Guadeloupe Woodpecker (Melanerpes Herminieri). 121-128.
- Pascal Villard and Alain Rousteau
- One-Parent Nesting in Cinnamon-Vented Pihas (Lipaugus Lanioides, Cotinginae, Tyrannidae). 129-160.
- Edwin O. Willis and Yoshika Oniki
- La Avifauna Del Sotobosque De Una Selva Decidua Tropical En Venezuela. 161-176.
- Carlos Verea and Alecio Solorzano
- Group Size and Nesting in the Rufous-Vented Chachalaca (Ortalis Ruficauda) in North and Central Venezuela. 177-184.
- Angela Schmitz-Ornes
- A Distinctive New Subspecies of the Green-Cheeked Parakeet (Pyrrhura Molinae, Psittacidae) from Bolivia. 185-192.
- Sjoerd Maijer, Sebastian K. Herzog, Michael Kessler, Michael T. Friggens and Jon Fjeldsa
- Distribucion De Aves Marinas En La Costa Patagonica Argentina. 193-200.
- Diego Montalti and Jose L. Orgeira
- The Need to Collect Birds in the Neotropics. 201-204.
- Francois Vuilleumier
- First Description of the Nest and Eggs of the Tanager Finch (Oreothraupis Arremonops Sclater 1855), With Additional Notes on Behavior. 205-207.
- Harold F. Greeney, Mitch Lysinger, Tom Walla and John Clark
- Breeding Observations of Cave Swallows (Hirundo Fulva) At Two Cuban Sites. 209-212.
- Salvador Peris and A. Llanes
- Alimentaca Da Gralha-Azul (Cyanocorax Caeruleus, Corvidae). 213-218.
- Bianca Luisa Reinert and Marcos Ricardo Bornschein
- Breeding of the Black Swift (Cypseloides Niger) in Costa Rica. 219-222.
- Manuel Marin and Julio E. Sanchez
- Descripcion Del Nido De Doricha Eliza Y Ampliacion De Su Rango. 223-224.
- Raul Ortiz-Pulido, Edmundo Flores Ceballos and Ruben Ortiz Pulido
- A Sight Record of the Harpy Eagle (Harpia Harpyja) in Chiapas, Mexico. 225-226.
- Jose Eduardo Morales-Perez
- Book Reviews 227-228.
- Index to Volume 9, 1998 I-IX.
- Reviewers IX.
- News -- Noticias X.