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Ornitología Neotropical, Volume 8, Number 1 (1997)

Ornitologia Neotropical


Index to Volume 7, 1996 i-xii.
NOS Membership List xiii-xx.
A Large Autumn Concentration of Swans (Cygnus Melancoryphus and Coscoroba Coscoroba) and Other Waterbirds At Puertonatales, Magallanes, Chilean Patagonia, and Its Significance For Swan and Waterfowl Conservation. 1-5.
Francois Vuilleumier
Predacao De Ninhos Artificiais Em Fragmentos De Matas Do Brasil Central. 7-14.
Celine Melo and Miguel Angelo Marini
Is the Palm Crow, Corvus Palmarum (Aves: Corvidae), a Monotypic Species? 15-21.
Orlando H. Garrido, George B. Reynard and Anuro Kirkconnell
A New Subspecies of Sclerurus Albigularis (Gray-Throated Leaftosser) from Northeastern Bolivia, With Notes on Geographic Variation. 23-30.
Andrew Kratter
Towards a Broader View of Neotropical Migrants: Consequences of a Re-Examination of Austral Migration. 31-36.
Leo Joseph
Efectos De La Calidad De Habitat Sobre El Exito Reproductivo Del Pinguino De Magallanes (Spheniscus Magallanicus) En Cabo Virgenes Santa Cruz, Argentina. 37-48.
Patricia Gandini, Esteban Frere and Dee Boersma
Nidificacion Y Habitat Del Petrel De Wilson (Oceanites Oceanicus) En Punta Cierva, Costa De Danco, Peninsula Antartica. 49-56.
Jose Luis Orgeira
Distribucion De Aves En El Valle De Majes, Arequipa, Peru. 57-69.
Oscar E. Gonzalez M. and Ernesto Malaga A.

Short Communications - General Biology, Faunistics

The Nest and Eggs of the Chestnut-Vented Conebill Conirostrum Speciosum (Temminck, 1824). 71-72.
Romulo Ribon and Jose Eduardo Simon
Description of the Young of the Gray-Bellied Spinetail (Synallaxis Cinerascens). 73-74.
Marcos R. Bornschein and Bianca L. Reinert
A Nest of the Cream-Bellied Gnatcatcher, Polioptila Lactea. 75-76.
Edwin O. Willis and Andres Bosso
Patrones Estacionales De Abundancia De La Gaviota Cocinera (Larus Dominicanus) En Un Basural Patagonico Y Sus Relaciones Con El Manejo De Residuos Urbanos Y Pesqueros. 77-84.
Maricel Giaccanii, Pablo Yorio and Maria Elena Lizurume
Effects of Fire on Savanna Birds in Central Brazil. 85-87.
Roberto B. Cavalcanti and Maria Alice S. Alves
Avian Predation on Individual Neotropical Social Wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) Outside Their Nests. 89-92.
Anthony Raw
Avian Body Masses from the Cerrado Region of Central Brazil. 93-99.
Miguel A. Marini Jose C. Motta-Junior, Luis A. S. Vasconcellos and Roberto B. Cavalcanti
The Avifauna of the Cayos Cochinos, With New Breeding Records For Honduras. 101-106.
Gilles Seutin, Eldredge Bermingham and Sherry Thorn
The Hybrid Origin of a Venezuelan Trochilid, Amazilia Distans Wetmore & Phelps 1956. 107-112.
Andre A. Weller and Karl L. Schuchmann

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