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Ornitología Neotropical, Volume 6, Number 2 (1995)

Ornitologia Neotropical


Editorial 55-56.
Trematode Parasitism As a Possible Factor in Over-Summering of Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa Melanoleuca). 57-65.
Raymond McNeil, Marcos Tulio Diaz, Belkys Casanova and Alain Villeneuve
The Diet of the Oilbird in Venezuela. 67-80.
Carlos Bosque, Rudyard Ramirez and Domingo Rodriguez
Ciclo Anual De Muda, Peso Corporal Y Gonadas En La Cotorra Comun (Myiopsitta Monachus Monachus). 81-85.
Rosana M. Aramburu
Diet and Flock Size of Sympatric Parrots in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. 87-95.
Marco Aurelio Piza, Isaac Simao and Mauro Galetti
Five Great Neotropical Ornithologists: an Appreciation of Eugene Eisenmann, Maria Koepcke, Claes Olrog, Rodulfo Philippi, and Helmut Sick. 97-111.
Francois Vuilleumier
The Avifauna of the Podocarpus National Park - the "Andean Jewel in the Crown" of Ecuador's Protected Areas. 113-120.
Carsten Rahbek, Hanne Bloch, Michael Koie Poulsen and Jan Fischer Rasmussen

Short Communications

Primer Registro De Cinclodes Fuscus (Aves: Furnariidae) Para El Paramo Del Tama, Frontera Colombo-Venezolana. 121-123.
Rosanna Calchi
Vocalizations of the Endangered Red-Faced Parrot Hapalopsittaca Pyrrhops in Southern Ecuador. 125-128.
Elliott P. Toyne, Jeremy N. M. Flanagan and Mark T. Jeffcote
New Information on Nine Birds from Paraguay. 129-134.
Thomas M. Brooks, Rob P. Clay, James C. Lowen, Stuart H. M. Butchart, Roger Barnes, Estela Z. Esquivel, Nubia I. Etcheverry and Jon P. Vincent

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