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American Birds, Volume 44, Number 3 (1990)

American Birds
3 (Fall)


Moments in HistoryLieutenant Bendire's Thrasher. 351-352.
John Farrand, Jr.
Birding for Fun. 353-355.
Paul R. Ehrlich
American Birding. 356-358.
Pete Dunne
The Practiced Eye. 359-362.
Kenn Kaufman, Rick Bowers
Facts, Inferences and Shameless SpeculationsLieutenant Bendire's ThrasherEvolutionary Theory and BirdingLittle Lost BlueCurve-billed Thrasher and Bendire's ThrasherSoviet Agriculture, Done the American Way. 363-365.
J. P. Myers
Retorts, Reflections, and Thoughtful Refutations. 366.
Shorebirds and Herring Roe in Prince William Sound, Alaska. 367-371.
David W. Norton, Stanley E. Senner, Robert E. Gill, Jr., Philip D. Martin, John M. Wright, Allan K. Fukuyama
First verifiable records of the Thick-billed from the United States. 372-376.
P. William Smith, Duncan Stuart Evered, Lyla R. Messick, Mary C. Wheeler
Regional Reports Pictorial Highlights Spring 1990. 378-379.
Notes on tropical terns in Mexico. 381-383.
Steve N. G. Howell, Sophie Webb, Barbara M. De Montes
The Changing Seasons Spring 1990. 384-387.
Kenn Kaufman
The Spring Season March 1 - May 31, 1990. 388-502.
Letters to the Editor. 503.
Birders' Bookshelf. 504-505.
Announcements. 506-507.
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