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The Condor, Volume 43, Number 3 (1941)

3 (May-June)


Light Versus Activity in the Regulation of the Sexual Cycles of Birds: the Role of the Hypothalamus. 125-136.
Albert Wolfson.
A Group of Bat-Eating Duck Hawks. 137-139.
Kenneth E. Stager.
The Passing of Coragyps Shastensis Miller. 140-141.
Loye Miller.
Spring Flight of the Diving Ducks Through Northwestern Iowa. 142-151.
Jessop B. Law.
Voice in the Brown Towhee. 152-155.
Charles W. Quaintance.
Notes and News. 163.
Minutes of Cooper Club Meetings. 163-164.

From Field and Study

A New Record of the Semipalmated Plover in Nevada. 156.
Glen Christensen, Thomas Trelease.
Macfarlane Screech Owl in Harney County, Oregon. 156.
Stanley G. Jewett.
English Sparrow Eaten By Bullfrog. 156.
Fred H. W. Lueders.
Nesting of Band-Tailed Pigeons at Altadena, California. 156-157.
Walter I. Allen.
Additional Records of the Western Mockingbird in Oregon. 157.
Clarence A. Sooter.
Prairie Falcon Parasitizing a Marsh Hawk. 157.
Henry E. Parmenter.
Mountain Plover in Solano County, California. 158.
Emerson A. Stoner.
The Rocky Mountain Creeper in California. 158.
Kenneth E. Stager.
Scarlet Tanager at Boulder, Colorado. 158.
Gordon Alexander.
Some Birds Recorded in Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 158-160.
George Miksch Sutton, Thomas D. Burleigh.
Barn Owls Nesting at Kanab, Utah. 160.
William H. Behle.
California Cuckoo in Southeastern Nevada. 160.
Clarence Cottam.
Another Summer Record of the Great Gray Owl in Yellowstone National Park. 160-161.
Frederick H. Test.
Bird Notes From Lassen Volcanic National Park. 161-162.
Julian Vogt.
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