Online Text
Observations at a Unique Farm in Knox County . 1
Fred J. Alsop, III
Albert F. Ganier "Conservationist of the Year" . 5
Annual Autumn Hawk Count 1966 . 6
Thomas W. Finucane
Winter Birds in Shady Valley 1966-1967 . 9
Wallace Coffey
The House Wren in 1966 at Nashville . 11
Amelia R. Laskey
Nashville Nest Record Cards sent to Cornell . 13
Lawrence Trabue
ROUND TABLE NOTES: Longevity of a Captive, Aberrant-plumaged Great Horned Owl, 15; Unusual Woodcock Behavior, 16; Spotted Sandpiper in February, 16; Surf Scoter on Chickamauga Lake. 15
THE SEASON: Savannah, 18; Nashville, 18; Cookeville, 19; Chattanooga, 19; Knoxville, 20; Greeneville, 21; Bristol, 21; Elizabethton. 18
BOOK REVIEW: Birds in Our Lives by Alfred Steffrud and Arnold Nelson.