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Fall Mist-Netting in the Smokies 56
Tom Savage
ROUND TABLE NOTES: Swallow-tailed Kite in Franklin Co., Tenn., 58; Red-cockaded Woodpecker Nesting in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 59; Scissor-tailed Flycatcher at Phillipy, 59; Song Sparrows at Manchester, 60; Late Bobolinks in Cades Cove, 60; Brown Thrasher Found Nesting on the Ground, 60; Natural Bridge, Tennessee, Revisited 58
THE SEASON: (Spring) Nashville, 62; Chattanooga, 62; Greeneville, 62; Elizabethton, 65; Bristol, 66. (Summer) Nashville, 67; Chattanooga, 68; Greeneville, 68; Elizabethton, 69; Bristol 62
THE 1965 SPRING FIELD DAYS: Memphis-Reelfoot Lake, 70; Columbia, 70; Nashville, 70; Cookeville, 70; Chattanooga, 70; Crossville, 75; Knoxville, 75; Elizabethton, 75; Bristol 70