Online Text
Frontispiece - Florida Sandhill Crane Nest, Egg and Habitat 41
Some Mississippi Crane Notes 42
Lawrence H. Walkinshaw
THE SEASON: Memphis, 43; Nashville, 45; Cookeville, 46; Chattanooga, 47; Greeneville, 47; Kingsport 43
A New Heronry in Northwest Tennessee 48
Albert F. Ganier
ROUND TABLE: The Three-toed Woodpecker Record, 50; Greater Scaup, 50; Summer Tanager Capturing Wasps, 51; Summer Tanager Captures Yellow-jackets, 51; Live Insects in A Blue Jays' Crop, 51; The Goose and the Eagle, 52; Evening Grosbeak Visitants, 53; A Shore Bird Expedition to the Tennessee River, 54; Wood Ducks' Nest in Town, 54; Brewster's Warbler Near Nashville, 55; Traill's Flycatcher 55
WHIP-POOR-WILL and CHUCK-WILL'S-WIDOW CENSUS: Chattanooga, 56; Knoxville, 57. NIGHTHAWK CENSUS, 58. Additions to Chattanooga List: White Ibis, 58; Snowy Egret, 58; Western Sandpiper, 59; Connecticut Warbler 50
CAMPUS BIRD COUNT -University of Tennessee, Knoxville 59
BOOK REVIEW: Bent's Life Histories of North American Birds - edited and abridged by Henry Hill Collins, Jr. 60
IN MEMORIAM: Ernest W. Goodpasture 60