Online Text
Biographical Sketches of 8 Members Lost in the Armed Services During World War, II with portraits 33
Some Bewick's Wren Nesting Data 39
Amelia R. Laskey
Observations at the Nest of a Pileated Woodpecker 43
Phillip S. Humphreys
The Round Table - Downy Woodpecker feeding on corn-ear worm, 46; Bell's Vireo and other Natchez Trace notes, 46; Summering Towhees at Memphis, 47; Nest Building of Baltimore Orioles, 48; Wildlife Casualties on the Highways, 48; Late Nests of 1946, 49; DDT and its Effect Upon Wildlife, 49; Message from the President, 50; Notes, Here and There, 51; Editorial: Why we use Capitols for Spelling Bird Names 52