Online Text
A Kingbird Roost 17
Harry C. Monk
Field Notes from the Smyrna Area 19
James N. Layne
Chimney Swift Nests on the Wall in Building 22
Henry O. Todd
Birds Listed on Spring Field Days (Memphis, Nashville, and Elizabethton) 23
The Round Table - Departure of the Evening Grosbeaks from Elizabethton, 25; A Blue Grosbeak in Northeast Tennessee, 26; An Old Squaw Duck on Reelfoot Lake, 26; Sparrow Hawk nests in a Cliff, 26; Hawks Grappling in Mid-air, 26; Pileated Woodpeckers Reaction to a Hawk, 27; The Season at Memphis, 27; Courtship Behavior of Whippoor- will, 28; Swifts Attracted by Smoke, 29; A Crested Flycatcher's Brood, 29; Crested Flycatcher Destroys Caterpillars, 30; List of State Officers 31; Editorial, "The Role of the Unusual 31