Online Text
The Wild Turkey (taken from Wilson's American Ornithology) 17
Some Observations on the Blue Grosbeak 24
Benjamin R. Warriner
Observations on the Birds of Wake Island 26
Charles Vaughn
The Round Table - Bicknell's Thrush added to the Tennessee list, 29; Alder Flycatcher at Memphis, 29; Blue Grosbeak seen at Nashville, 30; Competition for territory, 30; Swifts take refuge from rain, 31; Spring roosting of Swifts, 31; Spring migration of the Red-headed Woodpecker, 32; Red-headed Woodpeckers increasing, 32; A Thrasher sings with his beak full, 33; Further notes on the Memphis nesting census, 33; White Pelicans and Cliff Swallows on the Tenn. River, 33; Elizabethton spring field day, 34.-Notes, Here and There, 35; Officers for 1945, 35; Editorial, "The Dual Use of English and Scientific Names" 36