Online Text
Nesting of the Bachman's Sparrow at Memphis 1
J. Southgate Y. Hoyt
Roosting of Chimney Swifts on Buildings 2
Ben B. Coffey
The Towhee, Bird of the Brushlands 4
G.R. Mayfield
Wintering of Golden Eagles in Tennessee 6
Walter R. Spofford
Crested Flycatcher Nestings 8
Mamie Knox
The Round Table - Whitefronted Geese at Memphis, 10; Notes from the Memphis area, 10; Prairie Horned Lark nesting in West Tenn., 11; Woodpeckers feeding on wild grapes, 12; Some observations on Chimney Swifts, 12; Philadelphia Vireos in migration, 13; Gulls on the Tenn. River, 13; A Duck Hawk eyrie on the Tenn. river, 14; Spring migration at Nashville, 14; Review, of The Birds of Georgia, 15; Notes, Here and There, 15; Members lost in the Nation's armed forces during 1944 and 1945 18