Online Text
Notes on the Winter Food of Birds 45
Albert F. Ganier
Nesting Notes of 1943 47
Amelia R. Laskey
Nesting of the Red-tailed Hawk 49
Harry S. Vaughn
Notes on Mississippi Birds 50
M. Gordon Vaiden
The Round Table - Notes from the Memphis region, 52; Chimney Swift notes at Memphis, 52; A nesting census at Memphis, 53; Purple Gallinule in Arkansas and in Memphis area, 54; Starlings remove larvae from backs of cattle, 54; The season at Oxford, Miss., 55; The season at Nashville, 56; Fall courtship of the Sparrow Hawk, 57; Another Nashville Peregrine record, 57; Brown Thrasher parasitized by Cowbird, 57; The seeds buried by Blue Jays, 58; Goldfinches and coreopsis seed, 58; Bewick's Wren nesting, 59; Rapid re-rental of a woodpecker house, 59; Bird notes from Fall Creek State Park, 60; Chimney Swift returns at Knoxville, 60; Recent records of Duck Hawk and Ruffed Grouse in Ala., 61; Whip-poor-will calling in daytime, 61; Blue Goose in East Tenn., 62; Notes, Here and There 62
Editorial Chat 64