Online Text
History of the Tennessee Ornithological Society. 41
A.F. Ganier, G.R. Mayfield, Dixon Merritt and A.C. Webb
A T.O.S. Annual Fall Field Day. 44
John Craig
A Collection of Birds from Cocke Co., Tenn.. 48
W.M. Walker
Early Reminiscences. 50
Dixon Merritt
August Notes from North Lake. 51
Franklin McCarney
Biographical Sketches of Founder Members D.M., R.A.W., and A.F.G.. 53
Work of the T.O.S. in Publicity and Education. 55
G.R. Mayfield
Photographs of Founders, Members, and Field Day Groups. 57
Bird Banding Brevities, No. 6. 61
Mrs. F.C. Laskey
Among Our Contributors (biographic sketches of 32 members). 63
A List of T.O.S. Officers. 67
Harry C. Monk
The Round Table: Large Flocks of Doves; Bell's Vireo at Memphis! A White Ibis near Memphis; Birds About a Farm Home; The Dove Hunting Season; Scarcity; Scarcity Birds in Late Summer; Radnor Lake Notes; How a Cuckoo Ate a Caterpillar; A Trip to a Highland Marsh; Barn Owls, etc.; Notes from Murfreesboro; Golden Eagle in Clay County; Albino Red-tailed Hawk; September Census at Knoxville; Notes from N-E Tenn.; Boy Scouts and Bird Study; Editorials. 66