Author Index to The Oriole: 2001-2010
Baker, W.W. 2004. See Hopkins, M., Jr.
Balkcom, G.D. 2002. Direct band recoveries from Wood Ducks banded in Georgia in 2000. 67:38-42.
Bass, P., and R.A. Norris. 2004. Bird populations in two south Georgia habitats, with special reference to woodpecker activity. 69:8-15.
Beaton, G. 2001. Unprecedented numbers of Red Crossbills in Bartow County. 66:18.
________. 2001. LeConte's Sparrows wintering at Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge. 66:55-56.
________. 2001. Northern Saw-whet Owls in Rabun County. 66:56-57.
________. 2004. Unprecedented numbers of inland Roseate Spoonbills in 2002. 69:17-18.
________. 2009. See Blankenship, K..
Belger, C. 2002. See Waters, A.
Bell, M. 2001. From the field: August-November 2000. 66:19-31.
________. 2001. From the field: December 2000-February 2001. 66:32-41.
________. 2001. From the field: March-May 2001. 66:58-65.
________. 2001. From the field: June-July 2001. 66:66-70.
________. 2002. Red-shafted" Northern Flicker in Grady County, Georgia. 67:1.
________. 2002. From the field: August-November 2001. 67:12-22.
________. 2002. From the field: December 2001-February 2002. 67:23-31.
________. 2002. From the field: March-May 2002. 67:53-61.
________. 2002. From the field: June-July 2002. 67:62-67.
________. 2003. From the field: August-November 2002. 68(1-2):19-31.
________. 2003. From the field: December 2002-February 2003. 68:21-28.
Bergstrom, B.J., and T. Hon. 2002. Breeding records of Hooded Mergansers in Georgia, 1967-2002. 67:43-48.
Blankenship, K. 2008. From the field: December 2007-February 2008. 73:31-50.
________. 2008. From the field: March-May 2008. 73:51-65.
________. 2008. From the field: June-July 2008. 73:66-75.
________. 2008. From the field: August-November 2008. 73:76-90.
________. 2008. See Renfrow, F.
________. 2009. From the field: March-May 2009. 74:55-63.
________. 2009. From the field: June-July 2009. 74:64-71.
________. 2009. From the field: August-November 2009. 74:72-82.
________. 2009. Scarlet Tanagers breeding along the Chattahoochee River in Cobb and Fulton Counties. 74:40-41.
________. 2010. From the field: December 2009-February 2010. 75:27.
________. 2010. From the field: March-May 2010. 75:35.
________. 2010. From the field: June-July 2010. 75:45.
________. 2010. Least Bitterns summering in Bartow County. 75:52.
________, and G. Beaton. 2009. From the field: December 2008-February 2009. 74:44-54.
________, and N. Farnau. 2009. An exceptionally late fall migrant phenomenon in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. 74:36-39.
________, and J. McNeal. 2009. A first fall onshore record of the Arctic Tern for Georgia. 74:30-33.
________, M.A. Young, and N.W. Dias. 2009. Red Crossbills: breeding records and call types in Georgia and the southeastern United States. 74:1-14.
Beohm, M. 2003. First verified sighting of a Pacific Loon in Georgia. 68 (3-4):1516.
________. 2003. A Clapper Rail in Upson County. 68(3-4):20.
Beohm, M.F. 2002. See Beohm, R.T.
Beohm, R.T., and M.F. Beohm. 2002. First record of Scott's Oriole from Georgia. 67:49-50.
Chandler, C.R., and E. Lewis. 2001. Status of the White-winged Dove in Georgia. 66:9-15.
Chandler, R.M. 2007. See Davis, B.
________, and D. Parmley. 2003. The earliest North American record of Auk (Aves: Alcidae) from the Late Eocene of Central Georgia. 68(1-2):7-9.
Conner, L.M. 2006. See Rutledge, J.C.
Cooper, R.J. 2007. See Dauphine, N.
________. 2009. See Malloy, R.
Cox, J. 2010. Red-cockaded Woodpecker conservation on private lands in southwest Georgia. 75:21.
Crawford, R.L. 2006. Historical bird records from Thomas County, Georgia. 70/71:9-12.
________. 2006. Least Terns Nest in Thomasville, Georgia. 70/71:19-21.
________. 2010. In memoriam: Robert Allen Norris. 75:13.
________, W.L Neel, and J.G. Neel. 2003. A Green Violet-ear (Colibri thalassinus) from Thomas County, Georgia. 68(1-2):12-13.
Dauphine, N., and R.J. Cooper. 2007. Non-mechanized logging may increase understory bird species richness in lowland tropical forest. 72:23.
Davis, A.K. 2008. Nesting female House Finch spontaneously develops mycoplasmal conjunctivitis. 73:12-17.
Davis, B., and R.M. Chandler. 2007. Nesting materials of the Osprey Pandion haliaetus at Lake Sinclair Baldwin County, Milledgeville, Georgia. 72:24.
Davis, W.E., Jr. 2004. See Jackson, J.A.
deMent, S.H., and A.B. deMent. 2010. Nest box use by American Kestrels in the western Piedmont of South Carolina. 75:7.
Dias, N.W. 2009. See Blankenship, K.
________. 2009. See Post, W.
Dobbs, M. 2002. Birds of the Floyd College area. 67:4-8.
Ekenta, S.B. 2009. See Ferrari, J.
Farnau, N. 2009. See Blankenship, K.
Ferrari, J.B., and S.B. Ekenta. 2009. Seasonal abundance and flight behavior of vultures in central Georgia. 74:42.
Flynn, J. 2009. See Moore, T.
________. 2009. See Moore, T.
George, R.C., S.H. Schweitzer, and B. Winn. 2004. Reproductive success of American Oystercatchers at managed sites in Georgia. 69:43-55.
Giles, N.H. 2003. The origins of The Oriole. 68(1-2):4-6.
Hale, P. 2004. See McMellen, A.
Haley, K. 2006. See Mojica, E.K.
Hall, R. 2010. From the field: August-November 2010. 75:52.
Hardy, P. 2007. Successful nesting attempt by Cedar Waxwings in Sumter County, Georgia. 72:18-19.
Harrington, B.A. 2003. See Winn, B.
Hickey, C. 2003. See Winn, B.
Hilburn, J. 2009. See Jedrey, E.
Hodges, M. 2009. See Moore, T.
________. 2009. See Moore, T.
Hon, Tip. 2002. See Bergstrom, B.J.
Hopkins, M., Jr., W.W. Baker, and F Snow. 2004. Boat-tailed Grackles nest in Ben Hill County: a further extension of breeding range for interior Georgia. 69:62-63.
Howard, E. 2003. See Waters, Anne.
Howard, P. 2004. Black-throated Gray Warbler at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. 69:58-59.
________. 2004. Cinnamon Teal at Altamaha State Waterfowl Management Area. 69:60-61.
________. 2009. See Moore, T.
________. 2009. See Moore, T.
Ivey, T. 2009. See Moore, T.
________. 2009. See Moore, T.
Jackson, J.A., and W.E. Davis, Jr. 2004. Little Blue Herons and Snowy Egrets use Red-Breasted Mergansers as "Beaters." 69:56-57.
Jedrey, E., and J. Hilburn. 2009. Long-billed Curlew documented eating a ghost shrimp on St. Catherine's Island. 74:33-34.
Johnson, P. 2006. Two Cave Swallows and one Northern Rough-winged Swallow on the December 2002 Macon Christmas Bird Count. 70/71:1-5.
________. 2007. Third documented state record Pacific Loon, and first county record Red-necked Grebe, Monroe County, Georgia. 72:12-15.
________. 2007. A summer population of Willow Flycatchers in Bibb County, Georgia. 72:15-17.
________. 2007. Vermillion Flycatcher seen again on the Albany Christmas Bird Count after an 8-year absence. 72:17-18.
________. 2007. Nesting records of the Ovenbird in Bibb County, Georgia. 72:1922.
________. 2008. Bibb, Bleckley, Macon, and Monroe County bird records in 2004 after Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Ivan, including Black-necked Stilt, Gull-billed Tern, Sooty Tern, and Black Skimmer. 73:24-29.
Johnston, D.W., and R.A. Norris. 2007. In memoriam: Buddy Hopkins. 72:4-7.
Jones, C., and R.J. Cooper. 2010. Survival and density of Bachman's Sparrows (Aimophila Aestivalis) in response to growing-season prescribed fires in southern Georgia. 75:22.
Kennamer, R.A. 2003. Recoveries of Ring-necked Ducks banded on the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Site, South Carolina. 68 (3-4):814.
Klaus, N.A. 2004. Status of the Golden-winged Warbler in north Georgia, and a nesting record of the Lawrence's Warbler. 69:1-7.
________. 2004. Swainson's Warbler may shift territories in response to spring flooding. 68 (3-4):19.
________, and T. Schneider. 2003. Cedar Waxwings may be expanding range in Georgia. 68 (3-4):17-18.
Lane, V.R., K.V. Miller, S.B. Castleberry, D.A. Miller, and T.B. Wigley. 2010. Methods to reduce avian by-catch in small mammal studies using snap traps. 75:25.
Lewis, E. 2001. See Chandler, C.R..
Maley, B., and R.J. Cooper. 2010. Are all trees created equal? (According to Blackthroated Blue Warblers.) 75:22.
Malloy, R.A., and R.J. Cooper. 2010. Home range size and habitat use by Longtailed Manakins (Chiroxiphia linearis) in cloud forest ecosystems of Costa Rica. 75:24.
________, ________, and N. Nibbelink. 2009. Estimating home range size of female Long-tailed Manakins (Chiroxiphia linearis) in cloud forest ecosystems of Costa Rica. 74:43.
MacQueen, K. 2002. Winter record of an Ovenbird in DeKalb County. 67:10-11.
McMellen, A., S.H. Schweitzer, and P. Hale. 2004. Avian response to the reestablishment of native warm-season grasses in the Piedmont of Georgia: a preliminary analysis. 69:21.
McNeal, J. 2009. See Blankenship, K.
Mead, A.J. 2006. Recovering bird bands: the joy of discovery. 70/71:21-22.
Meyers, J.M. 2004. See Sabine, J.
________. 2006. See Mojica, E.K.
Miller, K.B., and R.E. Carleton. 2010. Fecal mass of nestling Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) decreases in response to increasing nest box temperature. 75:24.
Millsap, B.A. 2006. See Mojica, E.K.
Mojica, E.K., J.M. Meyers, B.A. Millsap, and K. Haley. 2006. Important use of areas of migratory sub-adult Florida Bald Eagles in Georgia. 70/71:24-25.
Moore, T, J. Flynn, M. Hodges, P. Howard, and B. Winn. 2009. Report of the Georgia Ornithological Society Checklist and Records Committee. OctoberDecember 2004. 74:83-87.
________, ________, ________, ________, and ________. 2009. Report of the Georgia Ornithological Society Checklist and Records Committee. January-December 2005. 74:87-92.
________, ________, ________, ________, T. Ivey, and B. Winn. 2010. Report of the Georgia Ornithological Society Checklist and Records Committee. January-December 2006. 75:69.
________, ________, ________, ________, T. Ivey, and B. Winn. 2010. Report of the Georgia Ornithological Society Checklist and Records Committee. January-December 2007. 75:75.
________, ________, ________, ________, T. Ivey, B. Winn, S. Barlow, and W. Chambers. 2010. Report of the Georgia Ornithological Society Checklist and Records Committee. January-December 2008. 75:81.
Muise, C. 2009. Northern Saw-whet Owls captured and banded in Lamar County, Georgia. 74:21-26.
Neel, J.G. 2003. See Crawford, R.L.
Neel, W.L. 2003. See Crawford, R.L.
Newell, P., S.H. Schweitzer, and R. Greenberg. 2010. Sex-based differences in winter body condition of Rusty Blackbirds in acorn vs. pecan habitats. 75:23.
Nibbelink, N. 2009. See Malloy, R.A.
Norris, R.A. 2004. See Bass, P.
________. 2007. See Johnston, D.W.
Parks, J. 2006. A historical view of the LeConte's Sparrow. 70/71:12-16.
Parks, R. 2003. In memoriam: William W. Griffin, 1921-2002. 68(1-2):1-3.
Parmley, D. 2003. See Chandler, R.M.
Parrish, J.W., Jr. 2002. Early wintering Baltimore Orioles in pecan orchards in Bulloch County, Georgia. 67:52-53.
________. 2003. Late wintering Baltimore Orioles in pecan orchards in Bulloch County, Georgia. 68(1-2):14-15.
________. 2006. A Bullock's Oriole and a record number of Baltimore Orioles in winter 2005-2006, in Bulloch County, GA. 70/71:22-23.
________. 2009. Horned Larks at turf farms in the southeastern Georgia Coastal Plain during the breeding season. 74:27-29.
________. 2009. Nighthawking in the Southeastern Coastal Plain along I-16, fall 2009. 74:34-35.
________. 2002. See Snow, F.
Post, W. 2001. See Sykes, P., Jr.
________, and N.W. Dias. 2009. Status of the Long-tailed Jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus) in the South Atlantic Bight, and recent documentation of the species' occurrence. 74:15-20.
Price, J. 2001. Modeling the potential impact of climate change on the summer distribution of Georgia's nongame birds. 66:1-8.
Pulliam, H.R. 2003. In memoriam: Eugene P. Odum, 1913-2002. 68(3-4):1-4.
Reeves, G. 2003. See Waters, A.
Renfrow, F. 2002. Georgia's first nesting records for the Red-Breasted Nuthatch. 67:33-37.
________, and K. Blankenship. 2008. Brown Creepers breeding in Rabun County: a first state nest record for Georgia and subsequent finds. 73:18-24.
Rinard, Susanna. 2001. Variant Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. 66:17-18.
Ristroph, B. 2003. See Waters, A.
Ruckdeschel, C. 2003. Chuck-will's-widow: fatal forage. 68(1-2):13-14.
________, and J.O. Whitaker, Jr. 2007. The American Kestrel on Cumberland Island, Georgia. 72:8-11.
________. 2008. New Georgia specimens. 73:30.
Rutledge, J.C., and L.M. Conner. 2006. Fish as food for Indigo Bunting nestlings. 70/71:16-17.
Sabine, J., J.M. Meyers, and S.H. Schweitzer. 2004. Effects of disturbance and predation on American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliates) during the breeding season, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia, 2003. 69:20.
Schmalz, G. 2001. Long-eared Owl in Fernbank Forest. 66:16-17.
Schneider, T. 2003. See Klaus, N.
Schweitzer, S.H. 2004. See George, R.C.
________. 2004. See McMellen, A.
________. 2004. See Sabine, J.
Showalter, C.R. 2008. Bird numbers decline in an old growth forest: long-term trends in Fernbank Forest. 73:1-11.
Sirman, A., and J. Cox. 2010. Breeding status influences singing frequency in Bachman's Sparrow. 75:1.
Snow, F. 2002. Nighthawk notes from Coffee and Jeff Davis Counties. 67:9-10.
________. 2004. See Hopkins, M., Jr..
________. 2006. Scarlett Ibis sighting in Coffee County, Georgia. 70/71:6-8.
________, and J.W. Parrish, Jr. 2002. Significant population of Southeastern American Kestrels in south-central Georgia. 67:50-52.
Swiderski, J. 2002. A winter Baltimore Oriole flock in Valdosta, Georgia. 67:11.
________. 2007. In memoriam: Frank McCamey. 72:1-3.
________. 2010. Virginia's Warbler winters in Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia. 75:16.
Sykes, P., Jr., and W. Post. 2001. First Specimen and Evidence of Breeding by the Shiny Cowbird in Georgia. 66:45-51.
Trump, R. 2008. Winter hummingbirds 2007-2008. 73:43.
________. 2009. Winter hummingbirds 2008-2009. 74:50.
________. 2010. Winter hummingbirds 2009-2010. 75:32.
Waters, A. 2003. First Eared Grebe for Augusta. 68(1-2):10-11.
________. 2004. First Augusta record of Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow. 68(3-4):16.
________, and C. Belger. 2002. House Wren nests at the Fall Line. 67:9.
________, and E. Howard. 2003. First Ross's Goose seen in Augusta. 68(1-2):11.
________, and G. Reeves. 2003. Three Western Tanager sightings for Georgia. 68(1-2):10.
________, and B. Ristroph. 2003. First Calliope Hummingbird for Augusta. 68(12):11-12.
Wells, L. 2001. Possible nest-site competition between Eastern Bluebirds and Carolina Chickadees. 66:52-54.
Whitaker, J.O., Jr. 2007. See Ruckdeschel, C.
Wigh, R.J. 2003. Blackpoll Warbler at sea. 68(3-4):19.
Winn, B. 2004. See George, R.C.
________. 2009. See Moore, T.
________. 2009. See Moore, T.
________, B.A. Harrington, and C. Hickey. 2003. Hudsonian Godwit seen in Brunswick, Georgia. 68(3-4):5-7.
Xu, Y., N. Yang, K. Zhang, B. Yue, J. Ran, and J. Carroll. 2010. Cooperative breeding by Buff-throated Partridges (Tetraophasis szechenyii): a case in the Galliformes. 75:26.
Young, M.A. 2009. See Blankenship, K.
Zaremba, B. 2003. From the field: March-May 2003. 68:29-38..
________. 2004. From the field: June-July 2003. 69(1-2):22-26.
________. 2004. From the field: August-November 2003. 69(1-2):27-41.
________. 2004. From the field: December 2003-February 2004. 69(3-4):73-80.
________. 2004. From the field: March-May 2004. 69:81-89.
________. 2006. From the Field: June-July 2004. 70/71:26-31.
________. 2006. From the field: August-November 2004. 70/71:32-43.
________. 2006. From the field: December 2004-February 2005. 70/71:43-51.
________. 2006. From the field: March-May 2005. 70/71:51-60.
________. 2006. From the field: June-July 2005. 70/71:60-67.
________. 2006. From the field: August-November 2005. 70/71:67-78.
________. 2006. From the field: December 2005-February 2006. 70/71:78-85.
________. 2006. From the Field: March-May 2006. 70/71:86-93.
________. 2006. From the field: June-July 2006. 70/71:94-98.
________. 2007. From the field: August-November 2006. 72:25-35.
________. 2007. From the field: December 2006-February 2007. 72:36-44.
________. 2007. From the field: March-May 2007. 72:45-55.
________. 2007. From the field: June-July 2007. 72:56-60.
________. 2007. From the field: August-November 2007. 72:61-76.
Charles M. Muise, 368 Eady Creek Road, Barnesville, GA 30204
Tracey Muise, 368 Eady Creek Road, Barnesville, GA 30204
Robert A. Sargent, 1263 Clairmont Place, Macon, GA 31204
Alcid sp. 68 (1-2):7-9; 75 (1-4):74
Anseriformes 69:64
Archilochus sp. 66:37
Anhinga 66:20, 33; 67:54, 63; 68 (1-2):20; 70/71:62, 69, 88, 95; 72:39, 47, 65; 73:38, 68, 80; 74:58, 74; 75 (1-4):47
Auk, Great 68 (1-2):7
Auklet 68 (1-2):7, 9
Avocet, American 66:24, 36, 67; 67:16, 27, 56; 68 (3-4):5, 24; 69:33,77, 85; 70/71:29, 35, 54, 63, 71, 82, 89; 72:40, 67; 73:76, 82; 74:77; 75 (1-4):41, 52, 58
Bittern, American 66:20, 33, 59; 67:5, 6, 13, 24, 54; 68 (1-2): 20; 68 (3-4):22, 30; 69:30, 75, 83; 70/71: 46, 53, 81, 88, 95; 72:27, 39, 48, 57, 65; 73:38, 53, 68; 75 (1-4):55
Least 66:59, 66; 67:13, 54; 68 (1-2):20; 68 (3-4):30; 69:23, 30, 83; 70/71:27, 46, 53, 94, 95; 72:48, 57; 74:66; 75 (1-4):19, 47, 55
Blackbird, Brewer's 66:31, 40, 50, 65; 67:21, 30, 61; 68 (1-2):31; 68 (3-4):28, 38; 69:41, 80, 89; 70/71:42, 50, 85; 72:44; 73:50, 89; 75 (1-4):34, 44, 67
European 73:2, 7
Red-winged 66:49; 67:8; 69:62
Rusty 66:31, 40, 65; 67:5, 8, 30; 68 (34):28, 38; 69:80, 89; 70/71: 50, 60, 77, 85, 93; 72:35, 43; 73:49, 64, 89; 74:54; 75 (14):23, 34
Yellow-headed 66:31, 40, 70; 67:21, 30; 68 (1-2):31; 68 (3-4):28; 70/71:42, 77, 93; 72:55; 73:49, 64; 74:53, 63, 81; 75 (1-4):34, 44
Yellow-shouldered 66:49, 51
Black-hawk, Cuban 74:58
Bluebird, Eastern 66:52; 67:7; 75 (1-4):8, 9, 11
Bobolink 66:65; 67:21, 61; 68 (1-2):31; 68 (34):38; 69:41, 89; 70/71:60, 77, 93; 72:55, 60, 75; 73:64; 74:63, 81; 75 (1-4):67
Bobwhite, Northern 67:6; 68 (1-2): 16-17; 69:83; 73:36, 67; 75 (1-4):47
Booby, Brown 68 (1-2):19, 20; 70/71:33, 43, 46; 73:76, 79; 74:84, 85, 88
Masked 68 (1-2):19, 20; 70/71:33; 73:76, 79; 74:84; 75 (1-4):86
Brant 66:19, 21; 70/71:32, 43, 44; 73:33; 74:85, 86; 75 (1-4):36, 83
Bufflehead 67:6; 69:29, 82; 70/71:45, 52
Bunting, Black-throated 70/71:10
Indigo 66:5, 40; 67:8, 61; 68 (1-2):30; 68 (3-4):38; 69:80, 89; 70/71:16, 42, 59, 77; 75 (1-4):67, 98
Lark 66:39
Painted 66:5, 31, 65, 67; 68 (1-2):30; 68