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Report of the GCRC – January – December 2007

James Flynn
Report of the GCRC
Online Text

Literature Cited
American Ornithologists' Union. 1998. Checklist of North American birds, 7th ed. American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C.
________. 2004. Forty-fifth supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union checklist of North American birds. Auk 121(3):985-995.
________. 2006. Forty-seventh supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union checklist of North American birds. Auk 123(3):926-936.
Beaton, G., P.W. Sykes, Jr., and J.W. Parrish, Jr. 2003. Annotated checklist of Georgia birds. Georgia Ornithological Society, Occasional Publ. No. 14.



Committee Members

Terry Moore (Chairman), Jim Flynn (Secretary), Malcolm Hodges, Pierre Howard, Ty Ivey, and Brad Winn

Review Species Report Summary

During 2007, 27 reports of 18 species were received by the GCRC for review. Of these reports, 25 were accepted and 2 were not accepted. No new species were added to the official GOS Checklist. The Regular List remained at 412 species (total includes 3 species considered extinct: Passenger Pigeon, Carolina Parakeet, and Bachman's Warbler). The Provisional List remains at 8 species, for a total of 420 species on the Regular Checklist.

Conventions used in this report include:
• GCRC Record Identifier: Year of the report submission (not the year of the observation) followed by a hyphen and a unique sequential identifier (e.g., 2006-08). If more than one report was submitted by different individuals for the same observation event, a letter is attached to the sequential identifier (e.g., 2006-09A, 2006-09B, etc.).
• Species Name: Follows The American Ornithologists' Union's (AOU) Check-list of North American Birds, Seventh Edition (AOU 1998) and incorporates changes in subsequent supplements through the Forty-seventh Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Checklist of North American Birds (AOU 2006).
• Location of observation.
• Date of observation/date of report submission.
• Only observers authoring reports are mentioned in this summary. Other sources, such as "From the field" (published in The Oriole), should be consulted for proper credit of initial discovery.
• Where applicable, the Committee voting results are included with the record in the form of "accept votes – not accept votes." For example, a vote of 5-1 signifies 5 accept votes and 1 not accept vote.

2007-01 Bullock's Oriole (Icterus bullockii): Private property northwest of Statesboro, Bulloch Co., 27 December 2006. John Parrish submitted a report that included photographs of an adult male of this species observed in a pecan orchard while conducting his annual Bulloch Co. winter oriole census. The Committee unanimously accepted this record.

2007-02 Ross's Goose (Chen rossii): Altamaha WMA, McIntosh Co., 26 November 2005. A report with photographs of a small adult white goose was deemed to be insufficient to conclude that the bird was a pure Ross's Goose. Most Committee members felt that the bird exhibited characteristics (e.g., a longish bill, reduced black grin patch, and somewhat curved bill / cheek interface) in between those of a Ross's Goose and a Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens), leading many to conclude that it was a possible Ross's x Snow Goose hybrid. The Committee did not accept the record by a vote of 1-5.

2007-03 Black-throated Gray Warbler (Dendroica nigrescens): Carters Lake, Murray Co., 21 October 2006. Earl Horn submitted a report with photographs of a first winter female that was originally discovered on 20 October 2006. The report was unanimously accepted by the Committee.

2007-04 Common Eider (Somateria mollissima): Brunswick, Glynn Co., 28 October 2006. A report and photographs of a female of this species was authored by Earl Horn. The bird was first discovered 17 October 2006 by a visiting birder from the UK, and was reported to the Georgia birding community on 25 October 2006. The Committee unanimously accepted the report.

2007-05 Common Eider (Somateria mollissima): Tybee Island, Chatham Co., 24 November 2006. The Committee unanimously accepted a report authored by Earl Horn that included a photograph of a female of this species. The bird was originally discovered by other birders on 23 November 2006.

2007-06 Broad-tailed Hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus): Private residence, Mableton, Cobb Co., 19 December 2006. Rusty Trump banded an after-hatching-year female and submitted a report and photographs of the bird in hand. The report was unanimously accepted by the Committee.

2007-07 Calliope Hummingbird (Stellula calliope): Private residence, Decatur, DeKalb Co., 27 December 2006. Rusty Trump authored a report and included photos taken 6 days earlier by Steve Slayton of a hatching-year male at a feeder and perched in a bush. Unfortunately, Rusty was unsuccessful at capturing the bird for banding purposes. The Committee unanimously accepted this record.

2007-08 Calliope Hummingbird (Stellula calliope): Private residence, Decatur, DeKalb Co., 4 December 2006. Bob Zaremba submitted a report with photographs of a bird at a feeder. The photos showed the diagnostic gorget feathers possessed by the adult male of this species. Unanimously accepted by the Committee.

2007-09 Calliope Hummingbird (Stellula calliope): Private residence, Savannah, Chatham Co., 18 December 2006. Russ Wigh authored a report that included several photographs of an apparent second- or third-year male. The Committee unanimously accepted the report.

2007-10 Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus): Observed 11 km off of Tybee Island, 14 January 2007. Bob Zaremba submitted a report of 3 individuals of this species. Diagnostic photographs depicting a combination of key characteristics were also included. The Committee unanimously accepted the report.

2007-11 Pacific Loon (Gavia pacifica): Observed 11 km off of Tybee Island, 14 January 2007. A report that included photographs taken of this species during a pelagic trip was submitted by Bob Zaremba. The report was unanimously accepted by the Committee.

2007-12 California Gull (Larus californicus): St. Catherine's Island, Liberty Co., 22 January 2007. Jim Flynn submitted a report with photographs and field notes of an adult discovered during the annual Winter Shorebird Survey. The Committee accepted the record 5-0, with Committee member Jim Flynn abstaining.

2007-13 Little Gull (Larus minutus): Pelagic trip, approximately 31°38'38" N, 80°43'01" W, 11 February 2007. Russ Wigh and Ken Blankenship co-authored a report that included photographs taken by Pierre Howard, also present on the pelagic trip, and Russ Wigh. The Committee unanimously accepted the report.

2007-14 Razorbill (Alca torda): Pelagic trip, approximately approximately 30°47'22" N, 81°'28" W, 24 January 2007. Georgia DNR biologist Clay George submitted a report with photographs that was unanimously accepted the Committee.

2007-15 Broad-billed Hummingbird (Cynanthus latirostris): Private residence, Sheffield Island, Camden Co., 3 March 2007. Patricia McMillan submitted a report with photos of an adult male that visited a hummingbird feeder for about an hour during the mid afternoon on this date. The report was unanimously accepted by the Committee.

2007-16 Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis): Cumberland Island, Camden Co., 20 March 2007. Patrick and Doris Leary authored a report that included photographs taken from Little Greyfield Beach while the bird foraged with a variety of ducks just beyond the surf zone. Unanimously accepted by the Committee.

2007-17 Alder Flycatcher (Empidonax alnorum): Subdivision nature preserve, Forsyth Co., 8 May 2007. Grant McCreary submitted a report that included a brief audio recording of the song, as well as a short video of the bird. The Committee accepted the record by a 5-1 vote.

2007-18 South Polar Skua (Stercorarius maccormicki): Woodring Branch Campground, Carters Lake, Gilmer Co., 12 – 14 June 2007. Joshua Spence authored a report that included several photographs of this normally pelagic species. The Committee accepted this record unanimously.

2007-19 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis): Phinizy Swamp Nature Park, Richmond Co., 26 June 2007. Lois Stacey submitted a report and a photograph of 6 of the 7 individuals that she observed in one of the cells of the park. The Committee unanimously accepted the report.

2007-20 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis): Private business, Mitchell Co., 29 May 2005. A belated report was submitted by Jim Flynn including photographs by Jim and by Mike Jones, one of the managers of the property. Mike originally photographed the birds on 17 May 2005. The Committee accepted the record 5-0, with Committee member Jim Flynn abstaining.

2007-21 Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus): Tybee Island, Chatham Co., 20 August 2005. A belated report with photographs of an adult of this species was submitted by Jim Flynn. The gull was originally discovered on 13 August 2005 by a Savannah area birder. The Committee accepted the record 5-0, with Committee member Jim Flynn abstaining.

2007-22 Bullock's Oriole (Icterus bullockii): Private business, Smyrna, Cobb Co., 20-21 December 2005. Lacking an officially authored report, the GCRC Secretary submitted photos (taken on the dates noted) by Georgann Schmalz and Giff Beaton of a sub-adult of this species as it visited a suet feeder in front of the Backyard Bird and Seed Store. The owners of the store first observed the bird on 15 December 2005, but it was not seen again for another 5 days. Unanimously accepted by the Committee.

2007-23A, 2007-23B Alder Flycatcher (Empidonax alnorum): Altamaha WMA, McIntosh Co., 14 September 2007. Earl Horn and Jim Flynn submitted reports, photographs, and field notes describing this normally shy species. The bird was primarily identified by its call notes. The reports were accepted by the Committee 5-0, with Committee member Jim Flynn abstaining.

2007-24 Shiny Cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis): Private business, Glynn Co., 25 September 2007. Dennie McClure submitted a sight-only record of a male of this species that accompanied a flock of Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) at a service station at the US 17 / I-95 interchange south of Brunswick. The Committee unanimously accepted the report.

2007-25 Calliope Hummingbird (Stellula calliope): Private residence, Dearing, McDuffie Co., 8-10 November 2007. Janelle McGahee submitted a report with several photographs of a female or immature of this species visiting a hummingbird feeder. The report was unanimously accepted by the Committee.

2007-26 Bullock's Oriole (Icterus bullockii): Private property northwest of Statesboro, Bulloch Co., 9 December 2007. The Committee was unable to come to a consensus on a report accompanied by a single photograph of an immature male oriole discovered in a pecan orchard. Although the bird appeared to possess a black throat stripe (which one Committee member attributed to a lighting artifact) often associated with young male Bullock's Orioles, several characteristics, such as the rather vibrant orange underparts, black uppertail, and lack of eyestripe did not support that identification. The Committee did not accept the record by a 3-3 vote.

Changes to the Georgia Checklist
During 2007, the AOU published the Forty-eighth Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union's Checklist of North American Birds. The following changes affected the taxonomic sequence or nomenclature of the official GOS Checklist:

• Suborder Cathartae (New World Vultures, which includes Turkey Vulture and Black Vulture in Georgia) has been removed from Order Ciconiiformes (Herons/Egrets, Ibis, Storks, and Spoonbills), and added to Order Falconiformes, the Suborder's historical position prior to 1998.

• The scientific name of Belted Kingfisher was changed from Ceryle alcyon to Megaceryle alcyon.

Literature Cited
American Ornithologists' Union. 1998. Checklist of North American birds, 7th ed. American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C.
________. 2007. Forty-eighth supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union checklist of North American birds. Auk 124:1109-1115, 2007.
Beaton, G., P.W. Sykes, Jr., and J.W. Parrish, Jr. 2003. Annotated Checklist of Georgia birds. Georgia Ornithological Society, Occasional Publ. No. 14.



Committee Members

(Reviewed records 2008-01 through 2008-33A/B.)
Terry Moore (Chairman), Jim Flynn (Secretary), Malcolm Hodges, Pierre Howard, Ty Ivey, and Brad Winn

Committee Members

(Reviewed records 2008-34 through 2008-42.)
Giff Beaton (Chairman), Jim Flynn (Secretary), Steve Barlow, Walt Chambers, Pierre Howard, and Ty Ivey

Review Species Report Summary
During 2008, 45 reports of 30 species were received by the GCRC for review. Of these reports, 36 were accepted, 7 were not accepted, and 2 were deferred to a second round for review. Two species (Green-breasted Mango and Smith’s Longspur) were added to the official GOS Checklist bringing the Regular List to 414 species (total includes 3 species considered extinct: Passenger Pigeon, Carolina Parakeet, and Bachman's Warbler). The Provisional List remains at 8 species, for a total of 422 species on the Regular Checklist. Conventions used in this report include:

Conventions used in this report include:
• GCRC Record Identifier: Year of the report submission (not the year of the observation) followed by a hyphen and a unique sequential identifier (e.g., 2006-08). If more than one report was submitted by different individuals for the same observation event, a letter is attached to the sequential identifier (e.g., 2006-09A, 2006-09B, etc.).

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