First Specimens of Buteo Albicaudatus and Chordeiles Minor in Uruguay
First Specimens of Buteo albicaudatus and Chordeiles minor in Uruguay.-Previously, the occurrence of Buteo albicaudutus in Uruguay has been inferred from geographical extrapolation, but there have been no verified records (Cue110 and Gerzenstein, Corn. Zool. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo 6 (93) :53, 1962). On 12 March 1965, in Camino de 10s Indios, 20 km northeast of Castillos, Dpto. de Rocha, Mr. A. XimCnez collected the first example of this species taken in Uruguay (Muse0 de Historia Natural de Montevideo No. 2009). It is a male, evidently in its adult phase (Barattini and Escalante, Cat. Aves Uruguay, I., Falc., 1958). It has the following measurements: wing, 420 mm; tail, 165 mm; tarsus, 85 mm; culmen, 28 mm. The black color of the throat referred to by many authors (Steullet and Deautier, Obra Cin. Mus. La Plata, p. 429, 19351946; Pinto, Orn. Brasiliense, p. 69, 1964) is not present in our specimen.
The family Caprimulgidae has been represented in Uruguay by four species. To these we now add Chordeiles minor, a migratory species that winters in adjacent regions of South America, but whose occurrence in Uruguay had not been verified. Cory’s reference (Cat. Birds Amer. 2( 1) : 119, 1918) including Uruguay in the geographical distribution of Cltordeiles virginianus ckapmani (= C. minor chapmani) was not based on specimens, but is probably derived from Ridgway’s (Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 5O(IV):574, 1917) description of the range extending “. . . as far southward as Uruguay (Concepci6n) .” In turn, Ridgway based his description on that of Barrows (Auk, 1:24, 1884), who referred to Concepcidn de1 Uruguay, Province of Entre Rios, Argentina (Oberholser, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 86:78, 1914).
On 27 March 1965 Mr. E. G6mez-Haedo collected two specimens in Laguna de1 Diario, Dpto. de Maldonado: M.N.H.N. No. 2010: male, wing-182 mm; tail-105 mm; M.N.H.N. No. 2011: probable male, wing-181 mm; tail-105 mm. According to data given by Ridgway (Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., SO(IV) :574) and Oberholser (Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 86:78f, 1914), our specimens could be referred to chapmani.-JUAN CUELLO, Museo National de Historia Natural Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay, 29 May 1965.