Long Nest Attentiveness for a Cardinal
Long Nest Attentiveness for a Cardinal.-While collecting nesting data in Toledo, Ohio, in the summer of 1964, a female Cardinal (Richmondena cardinalis) was observed incubating for a period of 27 days, from May 25 to June 20. The two eggs being incubated were present when the nest was discovered and, therefore, it is not known how long the female actually incubated them. Laskey (Wilson Bull., 56, 1944:27+4) has reported an incubation period of only 12 to 13 days for the Cardinal.
The nest in Toledo was in a panicled dogwood, 64 inches from the ground, and was partly concealed by wild grapevines. The two eggs weighed 4.0 and 4.6 gm. when discovered and measured 17 X 23 mm. and 19 x 26 mm., respectively. The female was flushed from the nest each day for 27 days to check the eggs. Both adult Cardinals scolded on several occasions while observations were being made. When the nest was finally deserted, the eggs were opened and appeared to be infertile.-LARRY C. HOLCOMB, Department of Biology, The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, November 25, 1964. (Present address: Department of Biology, Midland Lutheran College, Fremont, Nebraska.)