Turkey Vulture Nesting in Pima County, Arizona
Turkey Vulture Nesting in Pima County, Arizona.-While attending the annual meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society in Tucson, in 1961, some of the local ornithologists remarked that there was no published record of the nesting of the Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) in the state of Arizona. This leads me to supply two records of sets of two eggs collected by me on Picacho de la Caleria, about 20 miles northwest of Tucson on May 17, 1923, and April 28, 1924. The first nest was near the top of the peak and in a cave under rocks, back about 15 feet from the main entrance. I reached the eggs by lying down and inching my way back iive or six feet over trash carried there by pack rats. Fear of rattlesnakes would keep me from going into such a place again. The second set was on bare sand under a large rock high on the hillside.-WILSON C. HANNA, Colton, California, April 15, 1961.