Black Rail in San Joaquin Valley of California
Black Rail in San Joaquin Valley of California.---- August 26, 1959, an adult male Black Rail (Later&m jam&en& cotzcmicztlus) was found dead near Fourteen Mile Slough, approximately four miles northwest of Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, by Mr. Paul Jorgensen. The bird was given to Dr. Kenneth Stocking of the College of the Pacific and the specimen was prepared as a skin by me (J. R. Arnold no. 881). Mr. Jorgensen reported to Dr. Stocking that a fence and other wires were present near where the bird was found. A broken wing was found at the time the skin was prepared. The only other record in this area known to me is that of Belding (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1, 1879:443).-JOHN R. ARNOLD, Stockton CoUege, Stockton, California, February 4, 1960.