Correction.-Recently I reported (Condor, 62, 1960:70) remains of the California Condor (Gy?nnogyps californienzcs) from the late Pleistocene of Rampart Cave in Arizona and expressed the opinion that this was the first authentic record of condors from that state (sight records are not considered “authentic”). I was in error. Lyndon Hargrave kindly calls my attention to a publication overlooked by me (Plateau, 29, 1956:44-45) in which Raymond de Saussure reports condor remains from Recent cave deposits of northern Arizona. The Rampart Cave bones are, however, the only fossil records for the area. My apologies to Mr. de Saussure and thanks to Mr. Hargrave.-LOYE MILLER, University of California, Los Angeles, California, March 15, 1960.