Brown Thrasher in San Diego, California
Brown Thrasher in San Diego, California.-On November 25, 1958, in Golden Hill Park in San Diego, California, I observed a Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma uz&m) for more than a quarter of an hour. Its russet back and tail and its heavily streaked breast were clearly visible. It finally took refuge in some bushes to escape harassment by two Mockingbirds. My wife and I found it again on November 26, and I saw it on November 27. The noise made by the bird in scattering leaves while feeding on the ground gave away its whereabouts in the underbrush. Each time it was in the same genera1 area. A Brown Thrasher, presumably the same bird, was seen in this area by Louis L. Grimm of San Diego on December 21. The most recent published record for the Brown Thrasher in California is that of a bird collected at Joshua Tree National Monument in 1945 (Russell, Condor, 49,1947: 131). -ARTHUR MORLEY, San Diego, Coliforniu, February 11, 1959.