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European Starling Nesting in the San Joaquin Valley, California

Ronald T. Reuther
1 (January-February)
From Field and Study
Online Text

European Starling Nesting in the San Joaquin Valley, California.-On May 12, 1958, I found a nest of a European Starling (Sturn2cs vulgaris) in Micke Grove Park, San Joaquin County, approximately four miles due south of Lodi, California. This nest was located in a small live oak (Qwrc?ts zoislizenii) about 17 feet above the ground in a cavity in the tree. The tree is located in a grove of live oaks and white oaks (Quercus Zobata) which is much used as a picnic area. Both parents were seen making many trips to and from the nest bringing insects to the young, the exact number being unknown as the cavity was too deep to allow the young to be counted. However, from a distance several young birds were seen as they appeared at the nest opening to receive food. Mr. John Roumasset, a warden with the California Department of Fish and Game, and Zerifa Kroll both saw the parents bringing food to the young on May 14. On May 17 the nest was empty and presumably the young had left. This species has been observed in flocks in this immediate area during the winter of 1956-57 and in the past winter, but it is believed that this is the first nesting record in the San Joaquin Valley.-RONALD T. REUTRER, Micke Grove Zoological Garden, Lodi, California, May 19, 1958. 

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