Cooper Society Meetings
APRIL.-The regular meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society, Northern Division, was held on April 10,1958, in room 2503, Life Sciences Building, University of California, Berkeley. Dr. A. Starker Leopold presided.
The guest speaker was Dr. Walter E. Howard, University of California, Davis, who lectured on “New Zealand, Its Fauna and Scenery.“‘-ROBERT I. BOWMAN, Secretary.
MAY.-The regular meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society, Northern Division, was held on May 1,1958, in room 2503 Life Sciences Building, University of California, Berkeley. Dr. John Davis presided. He reported briefly on the Annual Meeting of the Society just concluded in Salt Lake City, Utah. About 125 peopIe were present. Dr. Davis announced that the Board of Governors elected Mrs. Junea W. Kelly to Honorary Membership in the Society.
The following observations were reported: Mr. Alan Craig observed over 200 Lewis Woodpeckers in Napa County on April 19. Many of these were “flycatching” in the oaks ; Mr. Howard Cogswell also reported a flock of Lewis Woodpeckers, composed of about 15 individuals, at the foot of Mt. Diablo on April 12.
The guest speaker was Dr. Francis C. Evans of the University of Michigan, who spoke on “A Population Study of Color-banded Vesper Sparrows in Southeastern Michigan.“-ROBERT I. BOWMAN, Secretary.
OCTOBER.-The monthly meeting of the COOper Ornithological Society, Northern Division, was held on October 2, 1958, in room 2503, Life Sciences Building, University of California, Berkeley. The following names were proposed for membership: Dr. Peter R. Marler, Berkeley, by Dr. John Davis; Mr. Jerry Buzzell, Los Altos, by Dr. F. A. Pitelka. Two motion pictures of the Machris Brazilian Expedition from the Los Angeles County Museum were shown.-ROBERT I. BOWMAN, ,Secretary