Harris Sparrow from Humboldt County, California
Harris Sparrow from Humboldt County, CaIifornia.-On February 1, 1958, a large sparrow was observed at a feeder in the company of Fox and White-crowned sparrows (Passer&z ilioca and Zonotriclrie lezrcophrys) . The bird spent the entire day in the immediate vicinity. On the next day the bird was still present and it was collected. On closer examination it was found to be an immature Harris Sparrow (Zonothrichia querzda). The identification was verified by Dr. Charles Yocom of Humboldt State College.
The exact location of this collection was on the north side of the mouth of the Mad River, four miles north of Arcata, Humboldt County, California. There are a number of records of Harris Sparrow from scattered areas of the state. To my knowledge, this is the first record for Humboldt County and the northern coastal area of California. The specimen has been placed in the Humboldt State College collection.-WARREN J. HOUCK, Humboldt State College, Arcata, California, February 5, 1958