Cooper Society Meetings
DECEMBER.-The monthly meeting of the Northern Division was held on December 5, 1957, at the University of California, Berkeley. The following names were proposed for membership: Ernest B. Woon, 1061 Glen Arbor Road, Ben Lomond, Calif., and Mervin A. Giuntoli, 3100 Vistamont Drive, San Jose, Calif., by L. Richard Mewaldt.
President McLean appointed the following committee to nominate officers for 1958: Enid Austin, Howard Cogswell, and L. Richard Mewaldt.
Alden H. Miller saw a Harlequin Duck at Pedro Point, near Pacitica, on November 18. Of added interest was the sighting of a Mockingbird near the same spot in this rather barren coastal situation. Don McLean reported that the Game Wnrden at Santa Crux has observed an increase in Mockingbirds there. The Warden estimated that five pairs nested in Santa Cruz in 1957. McLean also reported seeing numbers of Sandhill Cranes and Mountain Plover on a recent visit to the Car&o Plain of San Luis Obispo County.
The speakers of the evening were Dr. and Mrs. Eric Reynolds, who presented an excellent film and narrative on some birds of Venezuela, Jamaica, and Dutch Guiana.-L. RICHARD MEWALDT, Secretary pro tem.
JANUARY.-The monthly meeting of the Northern Division was held on January 2, 1958, at the University of California, Berkeley. The following name was proposed for membership: James H. McGammon, 2208 Rockbridge, Sacramento, California, by L. Richard Mewaldt.
Enid Austin, chairman of the Nominating Committee, presented the following slate of nominees for officers for 1958: President, John Davis; First Vice-President, A. Starker Leopold; Second VicePresident, Howard L. Cogswell; Secretary, Robert I. Bowman. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the nominations be closed and that the secretary be instructed to cast an unanimous ballot for the slate of officers as presented. Junea Kelly offered the following resolution: “Be it resolved that the members of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Society do hereby express their appreciation to our retiring president Donald D. McLean for the_ excellent services he has rendered the Society.” This resolution was unanimously adopted.
On December 20, 1957, southwest of Thornton on Woodbridge Road, large numbers of cranes were observed by Mrs. Edith Nelson. Robert Bowman reported several Mockingbirds wintering in the vicinity of his home. Dr. L. Richard Mewaldt, with Dr. Henry Weston and Ernie Woon, on a trip to Pigeon Point had netted in one set and drive six kinds of Zonotrichia. These were Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttdi, pugetensis, and gambelii, Golden-crowned Sparrows, one Harris’ Sparrow, and one White-throated Sparrow. Paul Cove1 stated that on the Christmas Census in the East Bay, a male Western Tanager in winter plumage was seen at a feeding station where it has been all winter. Jack Guggolz reported 500 to loo0 Starlings in Richmond just before Christmas. Reporting on the Christmas Census at Tomales Bay, Allan Craig stated that two White-throated Sparrows were seen at a feeding station in Inverness. A Yellow-shafted Flicker was also seen.
Peter Schramm, of the University of California, gave a talk on “A Summer Collecting Trip to Chihuahua, Mexico.“-LILLIAN HENNINGSEN, Secretary.