Cooper Society Meetings
COOPER SOCIETY MEETINGS SOUTHERNDIVISION MARCH.-The monthly meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Society was held on March 26, 1957, at the Los Angeles County Museum. The following names were proposed for membership: John Bowles, 1424 Kentucky St., Lawrence, Kans., James G. Purinton, 720 Branham Lane, San Jose 23, Calif., and Mrs. Clyde Stewart, P. 0. Box 535, Leucadia, Calif., by Jack C. von Bloeker, Jr.; Dr. Joseph T. Bagnara, Dept. Zoology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz., Robert H. MacArthur, R.F.D. No. 1, Newfane, Vt., and Crystal Yarding, 1220 E. 4th St., Tucson, Arix., by Joe T. Marshall, Jr.; Mrs. John Chaney, 932 Tiverton Ave., Los Angeles 24, Calif., Bernard A. Forrest, 1105 San Ysidro Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif., Charles Albert McLaughlin, L. .4. County Museum, Los Angeles 7, Calif., and Chris Parrish, 4515 Don Tonito Ave., Los An- ’ geles 8, Calif., by Kenneth E. Stager; David G. Marqua, 421 St. Louis Ave., Long Beach 14, Calif., by M. Dale Arvey; W. Plass Owen, Box 516, Chula Vista, Calif., by Mrs. Laura Bailey; R. H. Barth, Biological Lab., Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass., Donald F. Bauman, M.D., 1306 Ridge View Terrace, Fullerton, Calif., James F. Bendell, Dept. Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver 8, B.C., Canada, Frank Christensen, 7037 Alvern St., Los Angeles 45, Calif., J. V. Crockett, 115 W. 12th St., Long Beach 13, Calif., Mrs. Arthur S. Gasche, 1297 N.E. 103 St., Miami Shores 38, Fla., H. Warren Harrington, Jr., 19 Holborn St., Milton 86, Mass., Dr. Stuart Houston, Box 278, Yorkton, Sask., Canada, Chester E. Kebbe, 5414 N.E. Emerson St., Portland 13, Ore., Richard L. Kleen, Church Neck Rd., St. Michaels, Md., Mrs. John W. Le Sassier, 1611 West Indiana, Midland, Tex., Dale Miller, 14826 S. Lime Ave., Compton 2, Calif., Mrs. Madge Olson, Apt. 2, 25 E. 9th Ave., Denver 3, Colo., Sally Smith, Poughkeepsie High School, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Floyd B. Seiter, 59124 Main St., New Haven, Mich., and Gerard Frederick van Ters, % Dept. Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, by C. V. Duff. “Hamburgers, Hawks and Gopher Holes; the Biology of the San Joaquin Experimental Range in the Foothills of the Sierra Nevada,” was the subject of speaker Henry E. Childs, Jr. His talk was illustrated with Kodachrome slides.-DoaoTHY E. GRONER, Secretary.
January.-The monthly meeting of the Northern Division was held at the University of California on January 3, 19.57. Mrs. W. F. Lamoreux, R.F.D. Box 518, Niles, California, was proposed for membership by Junea W. Kelly.
L. R. Mewaldt, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, proposed the following slate of officers for the Division for 1957: President, Donald McLean; First Vice-president, John Davis; Second Vice-President, A. Starker Leopold; Secretary, Lillian K. Henningsen. Alden H. Miller moved that the nominations be closed and that the Secretary cast a unanimous ballot for the nominees; motion carried.
Miller reviewed the new book, “Natural History of Birds,” by Leonard Wing, and recommended it as a serious and useful general text.
Field observations included the following: Howard Cogswell reported that on December 28, 1956, 5000 Sandhill Cranes were seen flying northwestward at a height of 800 feet above the Los Bafios Refuge in a ten-minute interval between 4: 10 and 4:20 p.m. Gordon Orians reported that a Swamp Sparrow was found during the New Year’s Day bird count on Tomales Point.
Donald McLean presented the program of the evening, speaking on “Big Horn Sheep and Some Birds of Deep Springs Valley, Inyo County” and illustrating his talk with excellent motion pictures.-HARRIET P. THOMAS, Acting Secretory