A Third Record of the Black-Throated Blue Warbler in California
A Third Record of the Black-tbroated Blue Warbler in California.--On September 1, 1953, we captured in one of our water traps at Manor, Marin County, California, an adult male Black-throated Blue Warbler (Dendroica caerdescens caerulescens) The bird was in fresh plumage, and somewhat to our surprise, it was caught in the trap near our large flight aviary instead of the trap adjacent to our warbler aviary in which most of our “stray” warblers were previously taken. The bird was extraordinarily tame from the start and was “broken off” to artificial food with surprisingly little difficulty. Because of its rarity on the California list, it was not subsequently released in the warbler aviary but was carried over the winter months in a large cage in an indoor bird room. At this writing it is in perfect health and condition.
This is the third California record’for this eastern warbler, a female having been collected on the Farallon Islands in November, 1886, by W. E. Bryant (Pac. Coast Avif. No. 27, 1944:401). There is a sight record by Waldo G. Abbott of a male at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, California, for October 20-21, 1948 (Condor, 51, 1949:98). A skin will be made of this specimen later for record purposes.-ERIC CAMPBELL KINSEY, Manor, Marin County, California, April 14, 1954.