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Addition to the Check-List of Birds of Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Harold C. Bryant
5 (September-October)
From Field and Study
Online Text

Additions to the Check-List of Birds of Grand Canyon National Park. Arizona.-The Check-List of Birds for Grand Canyon National Park, including additions of recent years, lists 1’79 species and subspecies, of which 1.5 are water birds. Specimens of birds taken for the Park Museum by Allan R. Phillips in Havasu Canyon, from September 23 to 26, 1950, include five species new to the park. bringing the total to 184. These additions are: Wright Flycatcher (Empidonux wrightii) ; Marsh Wren (Telmatodytes palustris plesius) ; Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus) ; Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis nevadensis) ; and Dickcissel (Spiza americana). The Dickcissel is the first modern record for northern Arizona. A flock of nearly a’hundred Savannah Sparrows was observed by H. C. and Amy M. Bryant just west of Grand Canyon Village on September 12, 1950: a few remained there until October 3, 1950, and later. The Marsh Wren represents the proposed race pzdverizrs Aldrich. according to Phillips.

Other species of more than ordinary interest identified by Phillips in Havasu Canyon in Sentember were: Ladder-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos scalaris), Virginia Warbler (Vermivora virginiae), Hermit Warbler (Dendroica occidentus), and Purple Finch (Carpodacus purpuraus) .

In the fall of 1950 there was an extraordinarily conspicuous fall migration. For example, five species of warblers were seen in the same tree (a black walnut at El Tovar Hotel) within one week, September 14-21, 1950: Calaveras, Orange-crowned, Yellow, Audubon and Macgillivray. The Greentailed Towhee also was a conspicuous and abundant migrant.-HAROLD C. BRYANT, Grand Canyon, Arizona, February 1,1952. 

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