Wood Ibis in New Mexico
Wood Ibis in New Mexico.-On September 2, 1951, John G. Bamesberger and the writer observed three immature Wood Ibises, j4ycteria americana, at a small marsh near Bemardo, Socorro County, New Mexico. One of these, a male, was collected and is now no. 124846 in the collection of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. To the best of my knowledge this represents the first specimen of Wood Ibis taken in the state and the only recorded observation since 1854 when Henry observe-d a flock near Fort Thorn (Bailey, Birds of New Mexico, 1928:94). Fort Thorn is near the present town of Rincon, Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Bernard0 is about 130 miles north of Rincon.- A. E. BORELL, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 25,1951.