Lapland Longspur in Arizona
Lapland Longspur in Arizona.-On February 5, 1951, Mr. Samuel A. Wiener, a graduate student at the ,University of California, Los Angeles, picked up two dead birds in a snowbank at the junction of U.S. Highways 260 and 63 in Petrified Forest National Monument, Navajo County, Arizona. Apparently the birds had been struck and killed by an automobile; they were slightly crushed, and neither was emaciated. Both were prepared as study skins. One, an adult female which weighed 32.0 grams, is a Utah Horned Lark (Eremophilu ulpestris utuhensis), kindly identified by Dr. W. H. Behle. I have identified the other after comparison with a series in the Dickey Collection as a Lapland Longspur (Calcurizrs lu##oniczls alascensis) . I was unable to sex this bird, but it appears to be an adult female and it weighed 22.3 grams. This specimen seems to represent the second known occurrence of .the species in Arizona. Dr. Allan R. Phillips informs me that the only other record known to him is another unsexed example of the race aluscensis which he collected at Meteor Crater, 36 miles east of Flagstaff, Coconino County, on November 15, 1947.-THOMAS R. HOWELL, Department of Zoology, University of California, Los Angeles, California,.Murch 29, 1951.