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Notes and News

3 (May-June)
Online Text

The painting of Squirrel Cuckoos by Andrew Jackson Grayson which appears as the frontispiece in this issue represents a pair of birds taken by him on November 1, 1864, on the Rio MazatIan, Sinaloa. Mr. Grayson remarked in his notes that this species is “to be met with in thick woody districts of the Pacific slope from Mazatl&n to Tehuantepec and perhaps farther south. It is silent and rather solitary in its habits and not uncommon.”

This year the Co,oper Ornithological Club will participate in the summer meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division, to be held from June 13 to 18 at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Papers are scheduled for presentation at a session to he held jointly by the Cooper Grnithological Club and the Pacific Northwest Bird and Mammal Society on Friday morning, June 17. Further details concerning meetings may be obtained by writing for announcements to G. M. Shrum, Department of University Extension, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

We report with regret the recent deaths of Charles T. Vorhies of the University of Arizona and Max M. Peet of the University of Michigan. 

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