Bubo Virginianus Subarcticus in North Dakota
Bilbo virginlanus subarcticus in North Dakota
Authentic published records of Bubo virginianus subarcticus in North Dakota are not numerous. Although this subspecies is reported as nesting within the State, all such examples prove to be pale examples of Bubo virginianus occidentalis, since, of course, the latter is the breeding form of North Dakota. The Arctic Horned Owl, however, does occur with apparent regularity as a winter resident, and the writer has examined several specimens from this State. Among these the following seem worthy of mention: Hebron, North Dakota, December 2, 1917, collected by S. A. Rahtz; Robinson, North Dakota, March 7, 1918, George H. Mayer; and Grand Forks, North Dakota, a specimen without date in the Museum of the University of North Dakota.
Harry C. Oberholser
Washington, D. C., February 3, 1919