Eaton's Birds of New York
Birds of New York
By Elon Howard Eaton
Part I, Introductory Chapters: Water Birds and Game Birds [list of contents, 8 lines, double columns]; Albany University of the State of New York, 1910; 4to., pp. 1-501, +152 inserted pages of tables following page 86, 42 colored pls., many halftone text illustrations
This is an unusually elaborate treatis pertaining to the birds of a single state, especially so as being publicly printed. It is, moreover, of a high degree of merit in nearly every particular. It is attractive because of its large clear type, accurate information of many sorts, zonal treatment and maps, and profuse illustrations. Practically every species treated in this Part is represented in the colored plates from paintings by Fuertes. The classification and order are of the A.O.U. Check-List, except for one feature: the author has consistently disregarded the use of possessives in vernacular names. We congratulate the people of the State of New York that their ornithological exponent shows himself to be progressive even to this detail!
Eaton's Birds of New York will undoubtedly remain the standard authority in its field for very many years. It deserves a place, too, among the best ornithological works of general value.