Official Minutes Northern Division
Official Minutes Northern Division
The Division met Sept. 6 at the residence of C. Barlow in Santa Clara, president Grinnell presiding. Clayton G. Siefert of Auburn was elected to active membership. The application of W. M. Pierce of Claremont, Cal., to become an active member was placed on file. Remarks were made by Mr. Emerson looking to arrangements for the State Meeting in 1903.
Mr. Grinnell formally announced the death of Dr. James G. Cooper, an honorary member, at Haywards on July 19. A paper “In Memoriam” was read bv W. Otto Emerson dealing with the personality of Dr. Cooper. Mr. Grinnell read a paper entitled “The Published Writings of Dr. J. G. Cooper.” Other papers of the evening were “Some Observations on the Rufous-crowned Sparrow,” by C. Barlow and “A Study of the Black-headed Grosbeak” by Miss Anna Head. A vote of thanks was [illegible] the widow of the late Dr. Cooper for donations to the library of the Club. On motion the Club adjourned to meet next at Palo Alto Nov. 1.
Div. Secretary.