Official Minutes of Northern Division
Official Minutes of Northern Division.
The regular b&monthly meeting was held Nov. a, 1901 at the residence of C. W. Randall, Piedmont, Cal. President Grinnell presided with seventeen members and six visitors present. The new constitution was given its final reading and was adopted to take immediate effect. The following persons were proposed for active membership: Dr. David Starr Jordan, Stanford; Dr. Chas. H. Gilbert, Palo Alto; Miss Sophie Englehardt, Oakland; Mrs. F. E. Dorsey-, Stanford: S. A. Barrett, F. W. Bancroft and Luther J. Goldman of Berkeley.
At Mr. Emersons ’ suggestion acommittee of Five was appointed to formulate arrangements for the tenth anniversary of the Clubs ’ inauguration in 1903. The following were named as committeemen: W. Otto Emerson, Chairman; J. 0. Snyder, J. Eugene Law, Frank S. Daggett and C. Barlow. Nominations for officers for 1902 resulted as follows: For president, Joseph Grinnell; for senior vice-president, R. S. Wheeler, D. A. Cohen, Chas. R. Keyes and H. W. Carriger: for junior vice.president. E. H. Skinner and W. K. Fisher; for se.:retary, C. Barlow; for treasurer-business manager, C. Barlow.
The following programme was rendered: Address by Wm. L,. Finley on The Bird Rocks of the Oregon Coast. Mr. Finley exhibited a large series of especially excellent photographs, the work of Herman T Bohlman of Portland, who accompanied him on the trip. John M. Willard spoke on Lassen County Birds and a paper by 0. W. Howard was read entitled Experiences with the Prairie Falcon. Adjourned to meet at Santa Clara Jan II, 1902.
C. BARLOW, Division Secretary.